“Certain documents from India came into my hands, stating that Mr Bhutto had been, till 1958, claiming that he was an Indian citizen and that he was staying in Karachi only temporarily.... It shows how unscrupulous and soulless this man is.” Ayub Khan @advsanjoy
Then, on August 14, 1947, Pakistan was born. India erupted in violence. Bhutto Junior was advised to leave Bombay. He did so on September 8, 1947, for the United States, leaving behind his many properties.
Closest to his heart perhaps was the family’s Astoria Hotel at Churchgate and their Bombay house at 4A Worli Estate, which Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto had secured from the Bombay Municipal Corporation on a perpetual lease for Rs 25,344 and an annual rent of one rupee.
"I do not know when my mother or sisters left Bombay. I made applications to several universities from 1945 onwards. My father received replies from them. I returned to Karachi after 10 years. My education was in Bombay. I am not residing in Karachi."
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