Enforcement may be ramping up now, but let's be real: we’ve already spent months policing each other. People have been widely shamed for enjoying themselves—even when their fun is low-risk. The message is clear: pleasure is not essential in a pandemic. 2/ https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/containing-the-pandemic-isnt-a-job-for-cops/615298/
The instinct to yell at people for being careless and selfish is perfectly understandable. But public health is a service industry, and it can't serve customers without first trying to understand them. Let’s start by asking *why* people are partying. 3/ https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/containing-the-pandemic-isnt-a-job-for-cops/615298/
People are socializing not out of selfishness but because, like the grocery store, human connection is essential. Are there safer ways to connect than indoor parties? Of course. Let's figure out how to minimize infection while maximizing well-being. 4/ https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/containing-the-pandemic-isnt-a-job-for-cops/615298/
As long as new infections are linked to parties, public-health officials need to help people avoid them. But as we've learned from HIV, criminalization only deepens inequities and drives risky behavior underground, where it's even harder to address. 5/ https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/containing-the-pandemic-isnt-a-job-for-cops/615298/
Instead of turning partygoers into criminals, we can encourage safer ways for people to stay connected: think more outdoor space with music, food trucks, drinks to go. Policing won't make Americans safer or healthier—compassion and creativity will. 6/ https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/containing-the-pandemic-isnt-a-job-for-cops/615298/
Many thanks to @zeynep, @sdbaral, @kenkatzmd, @edyong209, and @jsnowdenepi for invaluable input, and to @danteramos for the stellar editing. 🙏
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