As Jennifer Lawrence turns 30, here’s a thread covering how she’s established herself as the Actress of the Decade
2010 – The Breakout
Jennifer’s first significant performance in ‘Winter’s Bone’ receives rave reviews as critics already present her as one of the most promising actresses of her generation.
2011 – A Star is Born
- Jennifer earns her 1st Oscar nomination at the age of 20 for her role in ‘Winter’s Bone’.
- She makes her debut as the iconic Mystique in ‘X-Men : First Class’, her first commercial success.
- She’s introduced as Katniss Everdeen for the 1st time.
2012 – The Rise to Global Stardom
- ‘The Hunger Games’ comes out and turns into a worldwide phenomenon, scoring the 3rd biggest domestic opening weekend of all time.
- ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ is a critical and Box Office hit.
- Dior chooses her as their new face.
2013 – The Peak of all Peaks
- At the age of 22, Jennifer wins the Best Actress Oscar, making her the 2nd youngest Best Actress winner in history.
- She reprises her role as Katniss Everdeen in ‘Catching Fire’, which becomes the highest grossing movie of the year domestically.
2014 – The Never Ending Rise
- Jennifer gets her 3rd Oscar nomination for ‘American Hustle’.
- ‘Days of Future Past’ becomes the highest grossing movie of the X-Men franchise.
- Her portrayals of Katniss Everdeen and Mystique make her the most profitable action heroine ever.
2015 – Power Moves
- ‘Mockingjay – Part 2’ marks the end of the $3B Hunger Games franchise.
- Jennifer breaks her silence on the Hollywood Gender Pay Gap in viral open letter.
- With $52M of earnings, she becomes Forbes’ Highest Paid Actress of the year.
2016 – The World’s Biggest Movie Star
- Jennifer negotiates a $20M paycheck for ‘Passengers’.
- She receives her 4th Oscar nomination for ‘Joy’ and breaks her own record to become the youngest actor to get 4 nominations.
- She's the Highest Paid Actress for the 2nd year in a row.
2017 – The Revival
- Jennifer takes a step back from blockbusters and stars in the controversial ‘mother!’. Despite the movie being divisive, her performance is often cited as the best of her career.
- She becomes the youngest recipient of the Sherry Lansing Leadership Award.
2018 – Personal Growth
- Jennifer describes ‘Red Sparrow’ as the movie that helped her “get power back“ after her privacy was violated in 2014 iCloud leaks.
- She creates her own production company, Excellent Cadaver, to encourage the inclusion of minorities in Hollywood films.
2019 – A New Beginning
- Jennifer marries Cooke Maroney and takes advantage of her break from acting to get involved with Represent Us, to try and help ending political corruption in the USA.
- ‘Dark Phoenix’ brings her Box Office total to $6B as she cuts ties with franchises.
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