The median net worth of an American under age 35 is $11,100.

The median net worth of an American 55-64 years old: $187,300
That's median, not average: half of Americans under age 35 have *less* than $11,100 to their name.
A 55-64 year old on average has 16x the wealth of their children and grand children.
The median salary in 1960 was $5,600 per year

Adjusted for inflation, that'd be $49,019 in 2020 dollars.

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Median cost of a house in 1960: $11,900, or $104,165 in current dollars. A bit over 2 years worth of income.

Median cost of rent in 1960: $71 per month, or $621.49 in current dollars. At $466/month income, rent was on average 15% of one's monthly income.
The average cost of a car in 1960: $2,752, or $24,089 in current dollars. About 6 months worth of income, on average.
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