It's not the first time Germany has played Erdogan's game vs Greece in the EastMed this year. In Jan, it shunned Athens out of the "Berlin Conference" on Libya, right after GNA had signed the illegal EEZ deal with Turkey that infringed upon Greek rights. But it invited the Congo.
If Berlin leadership is unhappy that Greece signed a legal EEZ agreement with Egypt, one that protects its maritime rights and adheres to international law standards, after decades of negotiations, it's really weird why it did not take any issue with the illegal GNA-Turkey deal.
From a Greek standpoint, Berlin actions seem as if Germany thinks Turkey is its fellow EU Member State, and not Greece.
As someone who has been called a "NAZI collaborator" for defending Germany at the peak of the Greek financial crisis, when anti-German feelings were running wild in Greece, I do not take my criticism of Berlin's position lightly.
Berlin is sacrificing Greek (+ Cypriot) sovereignty — that is, *EU sovereignty* — to appease Erdogan. That's unacceptable, and certainly not the type of position you expect a leading EU country to follow, especially if you are working towards a stronger Union. Unless you aren't.
The duplicity in rushing to hit Lukashenko's Belarus with sanctions (and throw a stop-gag on Putin's efforts in the region) on the same day that Erdogan gets away with infringing on Greek/Cypriot sovereign territory will come back to haunt the EU. Russia and China are watching.
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