1. My article on what to do and my thoughts on our political options on leadership. https://twitter.com/news24/status/1294197351398211584
2. You got to feel for @CyrilRamaphosa. He has had a torrid week.Analyst after analyst, & most others, have questioned his leadership abilities for good reason.He has not demonstrated decisive leadership. Corruption is rampant, incompetence is widespread & he continues to dither.
3. His statement about preferring to be seen as a weak leader than dividing the ANC has gone viral. The statement violates his oath of office. As President you are meant to act in the interest of the nation, not your party. His statement suggests that he does not understand this.
4. So there is no question that his leadership has been disappointing. But here is the nub of the problem: what are the alternatives in this political moment? Will any of the other political leaders be taken seriously by citizens? Let’s systematically go through the alternatives.
5. Is the DA an alternative? The vast majority will not vote for the DA even if its track record suggests that it will be more administratively efficient. This is because the DA has not convinced us that it is appreciative & capable of executing on the agenda of social justice.
6.Will we really take the fascist EFF seriously?Its track record is one of destroying,not building.Most citizens will not trust its crudely nativist & violent prone agenda. It is also as corrupt & administratively incompetent as the ANC & is most comfortable with the Ace faction.
7. While some of us may have harbored illusions about @BantuHolomisa his track record defending Bobani in NMB suggests that he too will cover up corruption & incompetence for short term political gain. What a sorry bunch of politicians we have inherited. So what are our options?
8. @BantuHolomisa suggests that we consider an interim govt of civil society. But our electoral & political system will not enable this.Such a structure could only emerge if the corrupt & inefficient politicians vote against their own interest. How likely is this with this bunch?
9. And if we did get to such a possibility, who in civil society could do this?Not the union leaders who lack imagination & are immersed in narrow sectoral interests. Not business who are interest driven & politically emasculated. There are good indivs, but none have a pol. base.
10.This brings me back to where we started. We may be disappointed and critical with @CyrilRamaphosa, but he is the best, and maybe the most capable, of a sorry bunch. This is the tragedy of our moment. We have been dealt a bad hand & Cyril is the only game in town .... for now.
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