Dubs and joke aside...what is the plan for this country by those asking to be allowed to govern? The govt as the one privy to the knowledge and the timing of the election was best placed to "call it" ready with its intention. That it has not, speaks volumes!
I'mstunned at what passes for eligibility to run this country
1. The PM comes out "in his Clarks"
2. The Agri Minister sees the Opp as a "struggle" like corona & ask the JA ppl to "pick one"
3. The Justice Min says civil servants should vote for them for their "$20,000 increase"
4. The govt pleads to voters to allow them "continuity" as they have already started to deal with corona, it's pointless to disrupt it by changing the govt. (Rational people's pleas to ensure a bi-partisan approach from the outset were ignored to use now as an election tool)
5. Accountability & transparency continue to be twin governance requirements forever given short shrift by the govt. How can Ruddy Spencer have cost the JA'can people over $30million becos he was "going to Germany" but he resurfaces as "Campaign Chair" and no explanation owed?
6. The JLP says its manifesto isn't ready. How can that be? Saying what you have completed thus far is great, but bearing in mind the PNP has always claimed it left all that "in the pipeline" wouldnt the govt's manifesto have been the perfect opportunity to "debunk" by unveiling?
7. The shallowness of the process needs to stop! This is serious! We've a sliding dollar. There's been corruption on a scale that hass bled the country extraordinarily. Those close to the PM such as Ruel Reid & Wheatley have surely compromised the PM's own integrity. Address it!
8. The electorate now is more academically intelligent & demanding. They are not "die hard" voting becos dem "green" or "orange" fe life." These are the millenials that baby boomers and Generation X raised and sent to University. They want answers, plans and structures.
8. It is not Clarks the Jamaican ppl need. It is a coherent and structured plan of how this country will be taken forward. Evidence of the govt's forward planning (or lack thereof) manifested in the form of an election called sans Manifesto. The attitude is simply too cavalier.
9. It is time for responsible governance. SHOW us what we should be voting for. The Govt & Opp should set out well laid plans. The Opp showed its Covenant. The govt's manifesto still isnt ready. For nearly 4 years we have had ZOSO and SOE as Crime plans. Is this to continue?
10. Whether by Divine revelation or serendipity, The JPP has now bowed out of the race. It is unfortunate. I would've liked to have seen some of these MPs and Candidates given a run of the possibility of split votes (& personally I would have liked the trillion $ debt paid off)
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