Gentlemen, this was discussed during the week, and @Truth_Cka and @InshallahSZN suggested that we must go deeper in discussions regarding this
I gave the thread the title because this is vital when it comes to the issue at hand, in life compatability should always be the focus point between the people you interact with, that's where the chemistry comes in
Being Alpha is more about oozing the aura which creates irresistible chemical reactions between you and those you interact with, whether it's for the first time or it's people you interact with on the regular
Compatability is the best way of vetting if the person belongs in your circle or not, she must qualify to be in your circle regardless, firms put out an ad of a vacant post and only shortlist those who applied and no one else, let that marinade
Negative responses from her when you've just met, take is a you're not compatible and move on, when you try flirting and she calls it harassment, just know that you're not compatible and respect that decision, never insult her for turning down
Your rotation should be a ready for update situations where you have the way you do things, if any of your plates have a dispute regarding that let them fall, you'll find other plates, simple as that
In LTRs is it important to set boundaries, if she has a genuine desire for you she'll play within those boundaries, make it her choice to play within them, if there's no genuine desire she's call it controlling, when she does that let her go, you're incompatible
As a man frame it always vital and the artwork should always remain within the parameters of it, if it exceeds those both the frame and the art work should be replaced as they're incompatible
It is vital to know yourself and design the framework of your space and have a criteria regarding who qualifies to occupy it, have a no exception rule, only proven compatibility occupies your space, compatibility manifests chemistry
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