A thread about the @BritishArmy's @3rdUKDivision; cc: @nicholadrummond and @BlankoTon:

As of now the future final 3rd UK Division organisation contains 89 units (not all depicted in the graphic). A US division: 35, an Italian 31, a German 28-29, a French 32, a Polish 43.
89 units, because 3rd UK Division contains units that no other NATO ally includes in their divisions; units which will never deploy with 3rd UK Division (i.e. 1st Military Police Brigade, 11th Signal Brigade and Headquarters West Midlands; and most of their subunits). 2/10
In Detail:

1) All NATO allies consider the brigade to be the main unit of action. The British Army is the last still focusing on the division. Therefore the brigades of 3rd UK Division are incomplete and incapable of combat without division support. 3/10
2) No NATO ally mixes active & reserve units in their divisions. Even the two armies most closely associated with the @BritishArmy - the @CanadianArmy & @AustralianArmy - fully separate their active and reserve components. 3rd UK Division contains 19 Army Reserve battalions. 4/10
3) 3rd UK Division will never deploy with it's reserve units. As the @USArmy discovered during the Gulf War the reserve (National Guard - NG) components of divisions took way too long to mobilize and the Army's divisions therefore deployed without their NG roundout units. 5/10
4) Each 3rd UK Division brigade is assigned 3 to 5 logistic/ transport/ maintenance units. Every NATO ally has just 1 unit per brigade combining all these functions. A merger of the Royal Logistic Corps and the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers is long overdue. 6/10
5) No other NATO ally includes military police formations in their divisions. Especially not units, which have no combat, no combat support, or no combat service support functions.

6) No other NATO ally includes its army's main air defense command in their divisions. 7/10
If the British Army wants to create a lean, capable fighting machine it would need to remove or merge away the following units in 3rd UK Division and assign the remaining units permanently to their respective brigades: 8/10
The unwieldiness of 3rd UK Division, and the uselessness of 1st UK Division are showpieces of the British Army's love for overcomplicating things and its stubborn resistance to reform. The last comprehensive British Army reform was the Childers Reforms of 1881. Since then 9/10
the British Army has shied away from a radically modernizing reform... and the result can be seen on the @BritishArmy's website, which tries, but utterly fails, to depict the army's current structure, as the army's webmasters don't know how their army is actually organized. 10/10
With its current units the @BritishArmy could create 3x deployable divisions:
1st UK Div (light): 3x active / 1 reserve bde
2nd UK Div (medium): 2x active / 1 reserve bde
3rd UK Div (heavy): 2x active / 1 reserve bde

and still have enough infantry left for 4 additional brigades:
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