1) @makinmemories... You asked for it! OK! It's time to discuss the 800 pound Elephant in the room!

That Elephant? Tim Ballard & OUR Rescue.

Multiple NY Times Best selling Author?

Hellywood movies?

Approx. $60 million dollars collected through their 501(c)3 charity?
2) Tim is a Utah Mormon. Cool! Weird stuff adoption stuff with Paul Pederson over there. But, that's neither here, nor there.

Tim is a Freemason. He also does his best to defend the occult symbolism of his freemason bloodline.
3) Tim and OUR love that Ashton Kutcher! Ashton is apparently smarter that all of you, even though he has no education. His "software" apparently helps Tim save thousands upon thousands of children from being trafficked each year. Where's this proof? Real Men What???
4) Again, OUR Loves that Ashton! Here he is giving a "heartfelt performance" about how he has painfully watched/helped thousands of children w/ his brilliant [Thorn] facial recognition software. No tears? FYI: Is that an acting coach behind him?
8) Let's circle back to OUR's love for Ashton Kutcher! You know who else loved Ashton right? [NO NAME MCCAIN]. Ashton got a cushy seat on the "Child Trafficking Team" with the likes of Lynn De Rothschild! Fancyyyy!

Hey wait! What do we know about this "Institute?" (cont)
9) Oh Yeah! McCain Institute was laundering money!!!! Yeah that's right.

Very, very valuable info in this steemit thread. However, why are all the videos scrubbed? Oh yeah! Because that's what controlled op punks do to cover their Deep State Asses!

11) You all know Tim from OUR rescue was C_A & Homeland security up until 2013 right? Great! So he served during the Bush admin, and Obama. Well, he would have worked under Hillary too. So Clinton's/Silsby tried taking 33 kids from Haiti. Hmm. 33 ?
12) So, where was Tim Ballard during Hillary's Haiti kidnapping op? Surely, he wouldn't let that happen right? Hmmm.

@realDonaldTrump knew the deal. In fact, before the 2016 election, he confronted Hillary about stealing a village of children.
13) So, why would @realDonaldTrump put Tim Ballard in the spotlight to help w/ human trafficking?

Remember: It's not just Trump fighting this war. It's you too. If you fight with Trump, he might want you to know who/what you're fighting. Optics!
14) So let's talk about the Nazarene Fund, Glenn Beck (not a fan), & WAYFAIR? You all know Wayfair-Gate seems pretty damn obvious. What do Glenn and Tim think about it?

I'm still wondering where the $$ goes? Where's the proof or rescue?
15) Tim Ballard does [Talks at Google] and apparently has a great relationship with them. Now, you know damn well Google hates you, me &The Trump admin. So, why do they love Ballard? Beats me!
16) Ballard has some explaining to do. I've spent months gathering info on him & OUR. I'd like to hear what him & Beck have to say about ALL these coincidences. Where's the $$?

The only reason I started looking into Tim is because he always looks nervous.

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