New research. Brace yourselves. Behaviourism. 
Ready? Here we go...
This is about making three young autistic children play 'correctly' with play sets. (p 177 onwards in this long paper). Here's the play sets:
The three boys were 3.25, 3.5 and 4.5 yrs old, so just tiny.
They were already getting 20+ hrs a week of intense Behaviourism to make them comply with whatever they're told.
Here, they were put in a room with a behaviourist for days, for up to 125 sessions of 5 mins each/
Here's what the Behaviourist decided was 'appropriate' play with the play sets. E.g. picking up a figurine and walking it along part of the farm/castle/whatever (but variably - not in the same way twice). If it came off the castle/farm, bad. That doesn't count as 'play', see../
If the child refused, they forced their hand, or wrist, or forearm, or elbow, or tapped them on the elbow or shoulder. If they refused after a tap, they'd be forced.
They were bribed with food and "Good job!" comments/
And, if the child attempted to interact with the behaviourist, they were ignored and made to return to the task. No talking, no communication, no interaction, no approaching them.
This isn't teaching a child to play.
This is exerting utter control over the way a child plays.
This isn't respecting that different children learn in different ways.
This is just nasty.

And it's standard practice.

I do not approve of such behaviourism.
Those poor children.
I looked for 'consent'. Nope. Doesn't seem to have considered consent as part of this (as much as young children can, of course, supported by carers).
Ethics? No mention.
Harms? No mention.
Follow up for children? No mention.
This is a PhD in behaviourism. An actual PhD.
The entire industry is as far removed from best practice as it is possible to get, in my personal view.
I wish it was just my personal opinion.
But it isn't.
Cochrane Review. Systematic Reviews. Reviews by the medical professions. Research into PTSD and suicide from being made to live inauthentically.

Let's change that narrative.
PS - there will be some out there saying, "...but behaviourists taught my child a basic living skill like doing up shoelaces and there's No Way my child could Ever have learned that skill from Anyone else".
Sorry, nope.
...&, in breaking news, shoelaces aren't compulsory. There are slip-on shoes. There are velcro shoes. There are elastic laces that don't need untying.
Just one example, but gee, if it takes a behaviourist 30-40 hrs a week for years to teach an autistic child, how did I learn?
How did any of us learn?
How did our son learn?
How did the endless autistic young people I have the honour of sharing life with each month learn?
How did the two million autistic people in the UK learn, without this thing?

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