15 Aug: the day India gained Independence from long oppressive imperial rule but a dark shadow of partition always hangs over it.

I remember those who fought for our right to be free & I dream of a world where imaginary lines didn’t keep people apart.
Thread: Here are some books if you’d like to read about the partition and Imperial rule in India

1. Partition Voices @kavpuri
2. Remnants of a Partition @AanchalMalhotra
3. Train to Pakistan: Khushwant Singh
4. Mottled Dawn: Saadat Hasan Manto
5. Pinjar: Amrita Pritam
6. Tamas by Bhisham Sahni, trans by the author
7. A Village Divided by Rahi Masoom Reza, trans by Gillian Wright
8. Partitions by Kamleshwar, trans by Ameena Kazi Ansari
9. A Woman’s Courtyard by Khadija Mastur, trans by Daisy Rockwell
And some for children/YA:
10. The Night Diary, Veera Heeranandani
11. Ticket to India, N H Senzai
12. Mukund and Riaz, Nina Sabnani
13. Across the Line, Nayanika Mahtani
I have a long list of such books for children and young people in my upcoming book WWKWTS: Talking with children about race, as it’s v crucial to diversify their historical education.
14. Chachaji’s Cup, Uma Krishnaswamy
15. One Day in August, Bharathi Jagannathan
Here are some more books on partition in addition to my list above from @Books_at_Bahri one of my all-time favourite booksellers back in India https://twitter.com/books_at_bahri/status/1294594680412229632
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