Week one reflections, on WFH life with an infant in the background: A thread.
1/ I’ve always said my ideal office would have a puzzle table. It’s such a great way to idly pass time on phone calls. Sometimes the best ideas come when you’re passively working on something else.
2/ Candles have done a lot to make my home feel more “polished” for working. Different flavors help set the mood. This one is red wine at the end of the day, obvi.
3/ I learned I fidget way more than usual on Zoom calls vs. in-person interactions. Turns out that I make paper flowers out of Post-It’s when this happens.
4/ Stopping midday for a baby break can be a lovely interruption. And fosters increased empathy and patience even among colleagues.
5/ Starting out each day with a one-hour walk through Central Park has become a new form of meditation and a great boundary to set for myself. Sure beats the “wake up, roll over, check email” mode from the beforetimes.
6/ Mascara is out, lipstick is in (for Zoom calls, let’s be honest).
7/ Having this garden to enjoy in the mornings and evenings really helps to switch up the scene from “work” mode to “chill” mode. I’ve been deliberately trying to separate the spaces where I work vs. where I play.
8/ None of this would be possible without a little extra help and support structures for baby-raising help. Shout out to all the grand-moms out there who are helping out in a pinch. Make sure you treat them to a glass of wine are your fave French bistro at the end of a long week.
9/ There may be nothing better than coming back from a leave of absence to discover that things went amazingly well while you were out. Proving out the “hit by a bus” hypothetical should be everyone’s goal. Thanks to @mattcynamon and @Lauren_Maz for doing double-time.
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