Up to now, my Tweets on Beijing's propaganda have focused on their campaigns to sow mass fear and pressure politicians.

This thread is about how CCP influences elites; in other words, how CCP transforms horseshit into "science."
2/11 The key words in CCP’s elite propaganda are "China controlled the virus."

"China controlled the virus" is an ingenious Orwellian euphemism. The true meaning is "China controlled the virus, and no one else has. Therefore, do whatever China says." https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/08/17/how-china-controlled-the-coronavirus
4/11 In true Orwellian fashion, CCP doesn’t even pretend its own lie is true. In China’s oppressed provinces of Hong Kong and Xinjiang, CCP’s lockdowns have been brutal and have lasted over six months.
5/11 “China controlled the virus” is a bold-faced, Orwellian lie. To be a good elite, one must pretend it is true. By slipping these words, “China controlled the virus” into elite media, the CCP bombards people with that big lie—day in, day out, so elites know what’s expected.
6/11 The truth is that as much as CCP insults Sweden for opting for herd immunity, China “controlled the virus” by forging its data and adopting a herd immunity strategy in February—at least, in those provinces it does not want under perpetual lockdown. https://twitter.com/HuXijin_GT/status/1238864397713305600
7/11 In this way, CCP exploits the fact that most Westerners don’t realize China is a totalitarian state. CCP convinces gullible Western elites that it did, indeed, “control the virus” despite all the evidence staring them in the face, because how could a whole country lie?
8/11 Xi understands the origins of totalitarianism. The fatal flaw of Communism is the pathological pursuit of an unobtainable goal—the end of class. With COVIDism, CCP sets elites against their own people with pathological pursuit of another unobtainable goal—the end of COVID.
9/11 This New Yorker article, “How China Controlled the Coronavirus” is a perfect example. Of course, we know the title is a lie. CCP expelled journalists in March, so the author couldn’t have written about his experience without first agreeing to tow the party line.
10/11 The article itself is a mostly-benign cure for insomnia. But the simple reason it’s been shared by hundreds of CCP bots and state media accounts is the title: “China controlled the virus.” Reinforcing that big lie, and giving polite society a reason to share it.
11/11 In this way, CCP is able to pull its big lie, “China controlled the virus” out of the throats of elites around the world, and muddy who is on their payroll and who is a mere useful idiot. Surely, some of these esteemed voices shared this lie innocently. But some did not.
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