Betty definitely needs to take responsibility for cheating. She made a horrible choice, she hurt & betrayed her boyfriend & her supposed best friend. However, she’s also young & traumatized & will definitely feel a strong amount of guilt, loss, & anguish after she loses Jughead
(which is right, he shouldn’t stay with her after he finds out) & other friends. She made an awful mistake, but what she did shouldn’t rule the rest of her life. I hope the time jump helps her heal and recognize her own worth, because no matter what, she is struggling with
self worth & with feeling secure with herself. We saw all throughout season 4 that she was worried about being like her dad, that she has the capability to actually kill a person she loves, that she’s evil, not worthy of love, etc. Jughead also needs to find his own self-worth &
realize that he needs to learn to love himself no matter what situation he’s in.
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