I offered testimony to the @OregonState Board of Trustees regarding impact of in person learning on broader Benton County community. I shared alarming projections re: increased deaths & infections in Benton county and made 4 key asks. #orpol #COVID19
@OregonState announced this week that 90% of its classes will be offered online. That's smart. But it doesn't solve for the transmission problem in Corvallis because university is still inviting all students to return to campus if they wish to have college experience. #orpol
Residence halls will be open with reduced density. The university also says it plans to offer a real university experience to students through university sponsored in-person social and cultural events. #orpol
Here's the thing. It's NOT gathering of students in classrooms that spurs increased infections in broader community. It is introduction of up to 24,000 people into our community of 60,000 from all across the state & country, and the social gatherings that follow. #orpol
Some of these students will arrive infected with COVID-19, but won't know it because they are young, healthy and asymptomatic. Upon arrival, they will unknowingly seed the infection into the broader, more vulnerable community at stores, bars, parks, gyms & restaurants. #orpol
Benton County Public Health explained arrival of that many students in a community of this size will constitute a "super spreader event." That happens before the first class is even held and regardless of mitigation strategies, no matter how well designed. #orpol
In June, I learned if students don't return to Corvallis, the active infection rate is projected to remain pretty stable at about 50/day. About 35 more Benton Co residents would likely die of COVID by next spring. Closures of biz, bars & restaurants would not be needed. #orpol
But, according to Benton County Public Health projections shared publicly last week, the situation dramatically shifts beginning in early October if students return from outside of Corvallis. The health and economic consequences on Benton County could be significant. #orpol
If just 15,000 students return, active infection rate in Benton Co would QUADRUPLE to about 200/day. Keeping rate that "low" would likely require closures of biz, bars & restaurants this fall & possibly thru spring. It would make in person K12 in Corvallis unlikely. #orpol
W/out further closures & stay at home orders, active infection rate is projected to peak at about 1300/day (26x current baseline!) Peak hospitalization rate would be 12/day, overwhelming our hospital system. Deaths projected to skyrocket up to 120 in Benton County. #orpol
It is unimaginable that our community may need to decide between the long term economic devastation of months of biz closures & the preventable deaths of 85 friends, neighbors & family members. If @OregonState commits to remote living & learning, we won't have to. #orpol
The number of students who arrive in September will have a direct impact on the physical, social & economic health of Benton Co. There is a lot at stake. That is why I made the following 4 asks of the @OregonState Board of Trustees based on constituent comments. #orpol
Ask #1 (in parts A&B): (a)Commit to remote learning AND living. OSU should urge all students to stay in their home communities unless absolutely necessary. Close res halls w/ limited exceptions like lack of access to broadband, international students or housing instability #orpol
(b) Model "pandemic social restraint" by prohibiting university sponsored social/cultural events. It's well established that gatherings of young people are high risk for virus spread. Social events on campus send mixed messages to students & unnecessarily increases risk. #orpol
If housing is closed, social events are cancelled and 90% of courses are remote (as already planned) it makes it easier for students to choose to remain in their home communities without FOMO. No classes? No events? Why go to Corvallis? #orpol
Ask #2: @OregonState must shoulder responsibility of proactively monitoring and responding to noncompliant off campus gatherings. These parties pose great risk to public health & should be managed by the institution-- not local law enforcement or the State Police. #orpol
Why not law enforcement? The purpose isn't to sanction students but to help them understand their role in public health effort and the enormous risk posed to the community by gatherings of more than 10 people. OSU personnel are most effective messengers for this. #orpol
With increased attention from Trump admin on DACA & international students, calling law enforcement for party violation could also put housing, citizenship or res status at risk. No one should be deported for attending party or just living in a house where a party is held. #orpol
Neighbors are already expressing concern re student parties happening now. Calling police isn't & shouldn't be answer. Nor should groups of masked middle aged women politely urging masks & small groups. Without OSU alternative there isn't anyone to contact except police #orpol
OSU should create Good Neighbor Response warmline staffed each night for citizens to call w concerns about unsafe social gatherings.Trained staff should be dispatched immediately to educate students, break up parties & keep record of repeat offenders. No police involved. #orpol
With Good Neighbor Response, students have opportunity to learn expectations and risks without citations or sanctions. With good records, GNR becomes basis for enforcement of repeat/severe violations. To be clear, this is not about noise. This is about virus spread. #orpol
(Side note: Please be a good neighbor & talk to neighbors about loud parties instead of calling police. Consequence of law enforcement response can be greater than many of us imagine & out of proportion to the nuisance. Also, police have other duties of greater urgency. #orpol )
Ask #3: Enforce expectations quickly & firmly. Code of Conduct should be expanded to include off campus activities w/ sanctions (including suspension/expulsion) for repeat or egregious violation of public health policies & practices. Good Neighbor Response line is key to this.
Ask #4: Pay special attention to those most impacted by COVID. This means protecting scholarships for student athletes who can't play this season. Flexible job sites for faculty and staff. Leniency on fines and fees for students losing rental deposits, jobs & work study. #orpol
These actions represent real sacrifice for students who face disappointment of too many dashed hopes. But smart planning now means more opportunity later for students & community as a whole. Remote Living and learning this fall will help us get back to normal faster. #orpol
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