8-2 to Bayern in a one legged game. Lately humiliating UCL exits have become routine for us Barca fans. I couldn't watch my eyes suffer more seeing the way Barça played, so just made a list of mistakes that the team have made tonight:
1) Playing without width:
This is something that has affected us throughout the season as they are reliant on the full backs to provide width but as soon as the team looses position one pass to the wings leaves us exposed and our defence cant cope up with the speed of the wingers
2) Playing out from the back:
From the 1st minute it was clear that the team tried playing out from the back but failed to work because of the pressure put by Bayern. TerStegen couldn't deal with the pressure but still the team continued to play the same way.
3) Setien:
Its surely not fair to blame a manager who was appointed 6 months ago for the defeat but why would he keep Vidal on for the full 90 whereas all he did was run aimlessly. Now I think Setien's time is up and hopefully the new manager has the guts to bench the old players
4) Over reliant on Messi:
Once in a blue moon when Messi doesn't turn up to the game Barça lose. How much can one man do alone. Cant imagine the state of the club after Messi retires😖...
5) We didn't utilise our chances:
Yes, we didn't have many chances in the game but there was this vital chance which had come from a Messi cross and even the slightest of touch would have got us a goal. You cannot miss such opportunities.
Lastly as Barça fans all we can do now is stay patient and mentally prepare ourselves that the club will be going through a rebuilding phase for the next 3/4 years and we cant expect the team to win all the trophies. We will comeback stronger than ever...Força Barça❤️💙
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