BTR 60 thread: 1. Over the last year we have seen HTS improvise and then standardize their designs of a light APC ('al-Buraq' pic 1) and a APC based on a T-55, T-62 or T-70 tank base (pic2.) Less known + used, is their improvised APC based on the BTR-60 family (pic 3 - R-145BM).
2. Images are rare, (No official HTS pics), but are seen in the background of some videos. Also few were adapted - so far I only see evidence of 3, possibly 4. Last week's Amjad video gave new glimpses which together with older imagery allows the vehicle to now be outlined
3. The 1st pic of the APCs is from early January (H/T @Arslon_Xudosi) at an unknown assembly area/workshop. In foreground a BTR-60 PB APC with added ballistic glass panels, stand-off cage armour (note gap for side hatch). The 2nd with no turret appears as same R-145BM in tweet 1.
4. Another image from January at probably a different assembly area (West Aleppo) shows a BTR-60 PB (ID'd by side rails), with added cage armour and a rubber side skirt. Its different vehicle from the first 2, as no break in the cage for the side hatch. So where is the entrance?
5. The main entrance is now to the back. The Amjad video now shows this as the main adaption to the BTR-60PB (from tweet 3) - an extension back of the roof and squaring off + up of the sides, above the BTR's distinctive tapered rear to create a box like rear with a walk in door.
6. However BTR-60s have twin engines at the rear. Have they been moved/replaced, or is access across the engines, hence the raised compartment? In any case the enlarged rear would give the vehicle more carrying capacity and crucially quicker unload time than side and roof hatches
7. The same extended rear/back door is seen in the earlier mentioned R-145BM (signals and command vehicle based on turret-less a BTR-60) modified to an APC. Pic 1 - 04/02/20 counterattack on Hamira + Khalash (unclear if used), Pic 2 and 3- 16/02/20 3rd counterattack on Miznaz
8. This improvisation addresses a main criticism of BTRs - small hatches = slow egress (in many armies troops prefer to sit on the roof). This R-145BM is hit during the Miznaz attack. Vid shows the detonation is on the cage. The back door helps approx 11 occupants escape quickly.
9. A drone view of the damage also shows the extended rear roof with a new ventilator grill (pink) + exhaust situated on right to accommodate possibly relocated engines. Also visible a blanking plate over turret space + holders for removable generator - so its a R-145 BM or PU-12
10. The 1st BTR-60 PB was also destroyed, possibly in its first action, at Abu Dafne western axis on 19/01/20. It appears to be hit whilst egressing the village (see facing + tracks in pic/map). The BTRs large profile is clear, which makes it unfavourable for such actions IMO.
11. I believe the BTR-60PB probably delivered its squad to target. Video footage shows HTS on western axis and the NLF on northern entering the village before later pulling out. The APC's remains can possibly be seen here after being cleared off the road.,36.826915,19
12. This leaves the second BTR-60PB from early January in tweet 4 (pic 1) unaccounted for. It may be this one in the 01/02/20 surprise attacks in West Aleppo, but without a full view this could also be the R-145BM.
13. The R-45 BM, (no turret), certainly appears in this still from the latest Amjad video, next to what appears to be the HTS leader. It is before the 4/02/20 counterattacks on Hamira/Khalasah. Interestingly another possibly unfinished 4th unidentified vehicle is in front of it.
14. A R-145BM is similar to a PU12 air-defence command vehicle. I believe the APC is the former. Consulting with IMO the best archiver @MathieuMorant I am informed that a R-145BM was captured at Regiment 46 in November 2012 (pic 1). Other BTR-60PBs captures from @MathieuMorant đź”»
15. Summing up. HTS have modified 3 BTR-60 based vehicles as APCs (2x BTR-60s + a R-145BM) and possibly a 4th. Adaptation is standardised: ballistic glass at the front, stand-off cage armour, side skirts and engine/s shifted right + a enlarged/extended rear to enable a back door.
Will add to this thread if more info and examples come along. I welcome any input, comments corrections. Thanks to @MathieuMorant @Arslon_Xudosi @QalaatAlMudiq @HasanSanjaki @ddsgf9876 @AnalystMick @syria_map @_arween__ and probably others I missed for input.
Other than HTS BTR-60s described, AFIK few recent examples of their use despite quite a few captures. Possibly because of known disadvantages: reliability, armour, small doors, high profile. AFIK last egs from 2017. 1 Jaysh al-Izza 2 Jaysh al-Nasr (not modified + possibly same).
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