Throwing this out there as I find it a fascinating theory, that if true, wow!!! It involves JFK Jrs magazine George and one of its last issues back in the late 1990s before his plane crashed killing him, his wife and his sister-in-law. I want to break down the cover.
Whether coincidental or not you can’t help but be intrigued by the relevance of the cover to what’s happening now in 2020. Breaking dow the red numbers. 1. Gates is in the news a lot promoting vaccines and many see him as seeking world domination by controlling society.
2. Mt. Rushmore has been in the headlines a lot. Trumps speech for July 4th and just this week the MSM saying he wants to be added to the mountain. There was also a full moon at Rushmore in July 4th as shown in the pic. The Mt is sinking (alluding to current chaos in the US)
3. Bill Maher, seems like an odd choice for the cover right? But just this week on his show he gave a ‘Trump Eulogy’ and of course spars on Twitter.
4. An easy connection here. HRC appears Sept. 9th to answer email questions. Perhaps another distraction coming? Trump did say if elected she’d be in jail. ‘Promises made promises kept’?
5. Trump announced this week a payroll tax for low/Middle income earners. The news reported that this would harm/deplete Social Security...hmmmm...connection made.
6. ‘Not just political as usual’. How about medical? Could the white object be t to the text be a hydroxychol. pill? Another piece to the George cover puzzle solved? Will this be the therapeatutics Trump has constantly referred to?
7. This one a bit of a stretch as Sagan has not been in the news lately...BUT Space Force, Extraterrestrial life and Mars has. Could JFK Jr. be hinting that more info regarding alien life will soon be upon us? Project blue beam anyone?
8. Love your job? Live forever? Who wouldn’t want those prospects? Well if NESARA/GESARA is real, and there are some recent signs, than your life will be better and you will enjoy your job as money will be less significant. Plus lots of secret technology revealed!!!
That leaves one headline left. Jimmy Carter and his farewell. If this magazine cover was purposely designed with 2020 in mind then this is the final piece. Will something happen to Jimmy Carter? Another Democrat funeral around HRC’s testimony? I guess we will see. One last piece!
Is JFK Jr. alive? Was he preparing us for 2020? Many that believe his death was staged to go underground and work on a plan to take down the Deep State are confident he is about to come out of hiding...
Those that think he is alive suggest he may even by on the Trump 2020 ticket. Was this 20 year old magazine cover leading us to that moment all along? What a reveal it will be. Did George really know? Is Project looking glass real? Are we really part of a movie? Trust the plan...
Please share and retweet if possible as a small account I’d love to spread the theory to as many as I can. Peace and 💜. @gail_canadian @wokesocieties @pushforward40 @AslansWarrior77 @pshak @yogibear951 @SantaSurfing17 @Scacm @cjtruth @55true4u thank you. #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE #WeWin
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