Maximizing the trigger of Greed when writing copy

When it comes to transactions, greed is a very strong motivating factor.

The whole concept of a free-market economy,

The economic system practiced by many countries today,

Is based on maximizing greed to produce the most economic benefit.
Economics teaches that the reason to study it is due to the insatiable demand of human beings.

Even when we don't need an item, we always want more of it;

Especially when we can get that item at a lesser price.
As a copywriter, use this to increase the effectiveness of your copy.

This is very effective especially when you're selling low-priced merchandise.

This also works for an expensive product at a low price.
With this though, you've to justify the low prices or you run the risk of jeopardizing your credibility.

When you offer the consumer a product at a price that is way below the market price,

You’re appealing to the customer’s greed.
Some customers are willing to buy from an unknown vendor,

Simply because the product is cheaper.

The greed in customers sees them looking for a deal that guarantees a value that is perceived as less expensive;

So far this means they’re getting more value at a lesser price.
You should note however that greed is not a technique you can apply every time.

But it is an effective tool that guarantees more sales.
Kindly Rt so others can benefit.

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