The biggest disagreement my wife & I have these days is about toilet paper

I just don’t understand her on this

I know people agree w/me on the correct way

Which way is correct? A or B?
Whoa, this tweet blew up

There seem to be some strong feelings

I didn't say it in the original Tweet, but I'm a B person all day

I also need to note that my wife & I don't fight about this at all

It's a source of fun & friendly teasing (although she is wrong)
We believe marriage should be fun & try not to take ourselves too seriously

I'm like the kid on the playground pulling the hair of the girl he secretly has a crush on & she gives it back to me

And I will continue to correct the toilet paper roll when she puts it on wrong
We wrote a book together w/actionable steps you can take to improve your communication & intimacy & get to a place where your only friendly disagreements are over the direction of toilet paper

On sale now for 80% off ($7) 
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