He's charged with 18 USC 1001 one count. Basically a process crime.

First offense no priors he gets a probated sentence.
He loses his law license, disbarred and sanctioned by the court
You people on freak out full tilt boogie think about this.

If this was all the criminality that Durham had on this clown and f this was all there is and going to be, he could have slam dunked this case a year ago. The fact that it's been drug out this long suggests cooperation.
Clinesmith's direct supervisor was James A. Baker

Clinesmith was also working with the Crossfire Hurricane team. He knows a lot I'd bet.

Somebody told him to do alter that email I'd bet.

Dates of the submission suggests the were shoring up the FISA warrant on the 1st renewal
Baker is neck deep in this entire deal, he was Comey's right hand man and knew everything.

Remember It was Baker's transcripts that alerted us that Durham was actively investigating spygate back in 2018
But worse off than James baker is this clown

McCabe is in deep shit and he dropped his trousers and bent over the minute the had him in the office. He's the weak link
Side Bar

"Kevin deeply regrets having altered the email, It was never his intent to mislead the court or his colleagues as he believed the information he relayed was accurate. But Kevin understands what he did was wrong & accepts responsibility."

What a crock of shit
This is interesting, so Crossfire Hurricane was a FARA investigation?

That's a "criminal" investigation, we've been told a thousand times is was a "counterintelligence" investigation and that was why the bar was lower to spy on them.

Four US persons
Also you have to remember Clinesmith approved the briefing notes that Pientka used during the Trump Tower briefing in August 2016 where Pientka was tasked with profiling Flynn to set up his interrogation on Jan 27 2017.
Strzok called Clinesmith one of “The Magnificent Three” which included Jon Moffa & Lisa Page. Flipping this guy branches in a lot of direction. McCabe's pucker factor is on redline i'd guess
Here's the problem.

In a criminal investigation against a US person if you want to surveill them you go to a Title 3 court and get a warrant, not the FISC and get a FISA.

FISA is a counterintelligence tool
Based on Weissmann losing his shit on twitter right now, it might not have been McCabe that gave the order on June 19 2017. Team Mueller was in full control of Crossfire Hurricane by that time and Weissmann was running that show.
The June 25 2017 FISA renewal was approved by McCabe and Rosenstein.

So this email was inserted to prop up the bogus FISA
Reason being, legally to continue to get FISA's renewed, you are supposed to show some progress, additional evidence to justify the renewal.

So they just manufactured additional evidence
This may not be pretty for Mr. Clinesmith. Notice who his judge is. Judge James Boasberg.

Clinesmith's plea means he's waiving a jury trial and all that left is his sentencing, by the judge.

Boasberg is also the chief Judge of the FISA Court in the current rotation!
Pleading Guilty to altering evidence to the FISC in from of the Chief Judge of the FISC may not be the ideal setup if you're hoping for a light sentence. Boasberg may decide to make an example of his ass.
If he shows up to court with this bullshit explanation it may not be pretty either https://twitter.com/RoscoeBDavis1/status/1294356535083184141?s=20
Making these kinds of extrajudicial statements publicly directly opposes the allocution in a sentence that will most certainly be sought by the Judge. I presentencing conference the judge may well pursue some public backtracking because the Feds are big on allocution
Back to Clinesmith and his lawyers bullshit statement about his damn intent or lack of, this is something that is so misused and propped up as strawman to skirt legal responsibility it's getting out of hand.
Intent isn't required for a lot of crimes, particularly for officers of the court, regarding things like false statements, or mishandling of classified documents, and damn sure not tampering or altering evidence and god damn sure not when you submit it to a court.
Remember Comey trying to justify letting Hillary off the hook & he kept inserting the term "Mens Rea", or mental state, it's another element that's often translated in analyses to intent, & was inappropriately applied to Hillary as to her mishandling of classified documents.
This was roundly criticized in objective legal circles. Her treatment, both how she was investigated, and excused, and in fact the treatment of her whole coterie by the FBI, was wrong & scandalous, & is the textbook version of a cover up.
I'd recommend you read @shipwreckedcrew and @AndrewCMcCarthy on Clinesmith's attorney's pathetic statements on Friday. They say it better than I can, and I respect both of their takes more than mine.
I think Clinesmith was wrongly put on the Page FISA case. He was a junior attorney & bullied perhaps into some stupid actions, & as well he has terrible legal representation. Regardless of that, he's an idiot who deserves prison time & loss of his law license.
This is what makes Clinesmith so vulnerable and a threat to the coup plotters. He's a weak link, Weissmann losing his shit on twitter and making veiled threats is a very telling thing.
Clinesmith was present in the FBI's meeting with George Papadopoulos @GeorgePapa19 in February 2017 in Chicago. This guy knows plenty. He worked on the Clinton email investigation as well as the Trump-Russia probe, and Team Mueller.
Apr 11, 2017 WaPo reveals the FBI obtained a FISA warrant on Carter Page. Apr & May Carter Page does a dozen or so interviews on every network denying he was a Russian asset defending himself.

OIG claims someone on the Mueller Team had concerns so Clinesmith emailed the CIA
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