in a month it will deliver over 5.4B pieces of mail. In 2 months almost 11 B.
in 2016: The total number of voters who voted early, absentee or by mail more than doubled from 24.9 million in 2004 to 57.2 million in 2016. Break out the vote by mail and you get 23% who voted by mail/absentee.
65M+62M=127M voted in 2016. 23% of that is a little more than 29 M.
let's say that number doubles this year to 58M. With a month or so to vote by mail the PO will ad a tiny amount (relatively) in ballots (58M) to over 5.4-11B pieces of mail. About 1 percent. Do we think Trump could really cripple voting by mail?
If a lot of people walk their ballots in and/or return them early there should be VERY little impact on PO. THat still isn't good because it is hobbled right now. However, if Trump is betting on screwing up voting by mail as a way to win he's truly foolish.
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