[1] My friends‼️

Please know, I intent NOT to scare you!

Rather to help U realEYES who the TRUE ENEMY is here!

A.I intends to infest your Mind&Soul w/ DNA altering Nano-Bots.

Yes! We are indeed fighting an Ancient Satanic Child Torture&Sex Trafficking Cult but it goes deeper! https://twitter.com/reb0rn13/status/1263942983621267465
[2] We need to wake up to the fact that our attention is being diverted!

As Human Beings we have upmost Compassion for those suffering...Especially children!


By diverting our focus away from the true agenda, we R handing away our freedom pieceBYpiece
[3] Qanon - The Plan to [EN]S[L]AVE The World.

[The Plan] goes back nearly 13,000yrs BEFORE THE CATACLYSM OF ATLANTIS!

Divine Christos Human Genetics contains CREATOR SOURCE DNA - Pure Unconditional LOVE!

This is something the A.I seeks to rule, enslave & destroy at any cost.
[4] The 5G GRID, along with the Quantum Financial System & the COVID Vaxcine has all been designed in such a way whereby U effectively are selling uR Soul away to this AI Death Cult.

Allowing for NO thought or emotion of uR own.

The COVID Vaxcine is the FINAL STEP of the Plan!
[5] We are experiencing the GREATEST AWAKENING to ever grace Humanity yet it is being HIJACKED by the deceptive Dark Forces @ play here.

There R making you beLIEve that technology is the answer!

When we are Divine Beings of the Earth & of Nature🌸

[6] Please OPEN YOUR MIND, drop ALL uR previously held beliefs & just LOOK at this from a Higher Perspective before its too late.

Your Ascension into 5D is primary @ this time yet we are facing a TRULY DARK ENEMY.

There are NO Evil Human Beings, only shape shifting Reptilians🐍
[7] The entire Child Sex Trafficking Cult is an OFF-PLANET SLAVE TRADE.

The [actors] which we are seeing on our Media Outlets are DECOYS for the Truly Evil powers that be👽

The Reptilian AI Humanoid Bots!

Those who are in Power on the world stage R Not who them seem👁️
[8] Once the COVID Vaxcine has entered uR bloodstream, the Nano-Bots get to work instantly on ALTERING YOUR DNA through RNA coding to change your ENTIRE BIOLOGICAL MAKEUP.

They R Literally trying to turn you into a Humanoid ROBOT with a HIVE MIND Mentality, serving only 1 Belief
[9] Power, Domination & Outright Service to the destruction of the Divine Intelligent Infinite Creation and everything contained within it.

As I have said,


For the Truth is EMPOWERING.

As You can now act upon this information effectively🤺
[10] We are witnessing the most Historic Collective Awakening that Humanity has ever seen yet we have many obstacles on our Path in this journey.

Be not fooled by what is really at stake here!

Remember that you are a product of the INFINITE CREATOR - you do Not serve uR iPhone!
[11] Get uR Self out around Nature, move away from the electronics & most importantly spread this information far&wide in the attempt to save as many as possible from this evil onslaught.

I wish nothing but many blessings to each & every one of your Souls

Love&Light 2 you All💚
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