For the past 5 days, the TOTAL $eth allocation I have diverted to UNISWAP hunting has grown by a factor of x4.75. It could be higher, but i de-risk easily and try to keep my $eth pool above a 50% ratio for loading dips or for hunting the next coin

When i first joined the bandwagon, the first few coins i got in was $dia, and $swap. They were hot topics but sorry, until today they haven't gotten me any gains at all. Fortunately i'm glad i placed low allocations being relatively new to these.
$Strong was the first big break. Went in with a small allocation, but this bag just ballooned in size. De-risked the positions as price increased. To-date i still hold a position, but much smaller than the original and will be looking to load dips.
$ken - I went in recently with a (relatively) much bigger allocation. You could say it was compounded from my wins from $strong while still keeping my $eth ratio (spare funds) high. Yes I am happy with it. I have also de-risked the positions and will be looking for dips.
$bot - i parked very small allocations on this initially (due to extremely low liquidity) but I continue to love this project as it brought in gems like $strong and $ken for me. I see this project taking market share as DEFI grows. Honest-to-goodness project.
$taco - Tried to join the crowdsale but failed. Caught in uniswap but i took a sell for small profits on a very small allocation in the end. I decided to totally de-risk since I had very little skin in it anyway. Time is just too scarce (for me) to monitor these projects.
$yam - Yes, i lost $eth on this. I loved the way the community bonded together, and I bought more yam off the market just to delegate. Lost 80% of what i allocated to yam as value crashed after the failure. TBH I'm more devastated over the proj failure than the eth losses.
I expect more failures in this (learning) journey. To me, there is always risks of investing in this space, and to reduce this risks:-
b) De-risk and keep $eth available
c) Try to find VALUE in the projects that very little are talking about outside the obvious.
Lastly yes, you can still lose money in a bull market. But i believe if you keep a rational mind over buys/sells, your consistency will outperform over time. If you are in a space for profit multiples,- you must accept heavy drawdowns as well. Yeah, so de-risk when possible.
Finally, the past years bear has been 'terrible'. I am not a shortist by heart. I hope this bull journey can help similar folks to bounce back their accounts. My tweets are transparent with my own major moves as how i treat my own money! But i may get over-excited sometimes!
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