What a rickety ass upside down country where you can do a coup via the post office. I can watch VR porn while I summon a pizza by grunting at an Alexa but I gotta vote the same way a revolutionary war soldier sent horny poems to a girl he met at a witch drowning
Dorks are yelling at me for this dumb joke because they say online voting is very easily hacked. I believe them, but I don't understand how it's good for banking? All my money is 1s and 0s on a bank's Nintendo Twitch and I guess that's just bc Russia hasn't heard about banks?
Good god people are still debating why paper ballots are superior in the replies. Guys it's a stupid joke about asymmetry in tech advances. "They can't cure cancer but they can give you a pig dick transplant" type shit. Gonna leave this up just to drive myself insane
For the record I am not the postmaster general
I am too dumb to be yelled at about this. This idiot half idea jumped off a 300 (?) post thread on Reddit apparently. Go there to agree I am stupid. I now concede democracy is incompatible with the internet, though I think Facebook already proved it https://twitter.com/orvn/status/1294793456771051521?s=20
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