Rapid screening tests are cheap, easily mass produced and don’t require laboratory processing. They can be implemented anywhere. They make it possible to test many people regularly, including those without symptoms. Contagious people could be flagged early. #RapidTestsNow 2/10
Screening tests with moderate accuracy can slow transmission, as long as results are interpreted correctly. They're a big improvement over having no info. Antigen testing is good at catching contagious cases: false positives may be infected, but are unlikely contagious. 6/10
The weather report can’t tell you with certainty whether it will rain, but it can tell you whether to bring an umbrella. By design, screening tests sacrifice accuracy where it matters *least* to achieve low costs, speed and ease of use. 7/10
A screening test must have a *consistent* rate of false positives and false negatives verified by @US_FDA or another government agency so the user can correctly interpret their likelihood of having COVID-19 given their test result. 8/10
Multiple companies are ready to scale up production of screening tests. The main barrier is the delay in government approval. We need the @US_FDA or other government agency to create new approval pathways specifically for screening tests and speed the process. 9/10 #RapidTestsNow
Rapid screening tests will make it easier for the U.S. to get back to in-person school and work safely, even without a vaccine. It is no exaggeration to say that these innovative screening tests are game-changing. How’s that for a ray of hope? 10/10. #RapidTestsNow
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