Thread time! Finally!


I'm showcasing a bunch of gold from @TellYourSonThis.

I'm working on my writing still and honestly...

He does a much better job of articulating these things than I do.

Welcome to:

High-Quality Lessons with @TellYourSonThis - The Thread

As per the usual, before I get into it I need to say this for my own sake.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND taking notes or bookmarking some of these tweets, they won't stick if you only read these once, and if you aren't here to actually learn then you're just wasting time.

Enjoy friends.
1. On becoming strong and facing the tests of life.

Understand this...

Life doesn't give a fuck about you.

Either become strong and overcome your weakness, or die broken and weak.

That's life, and it doesn't matter whether you agree or not.
2. On building yourself and your own values.

Become your own person and create your own set of unique values, this is how you become someone worth respecting.

Definitely, tell son this.
3. On positivity and gratitude.

I preach this all day every day and that's why it's here.

You're so incredibly blessed just having access to the internet.

Don't waste that blessing complaining, just build yourself to be even better.
4. On why you need to believe in yourself.

Doubt will poison everything that you do.

If you don't believe in yourself then the actions you take will reflect that belief.

If you want to succeed then you have to start by believing you can...
5. On Authenticity and not being fake.

Authenticity is probably the rarest trait you can find in the digital age.

People are soft and they can't face their own flaws anymore.

Virtue and goodness are more than just an appearance.
6. On keeping your word and avoiding degeneracy.

This is the most important one of them all.

It's so easy to be a degenerate nowadays.

I honestly don't have anything else to add.

Read this thread twice.
7. On growth and fear

Growth only happens when you get uncomfortable.

The fact is most of your fears aren't real.

It's literally you and your overactive imagination fucking you over.

Stop letting your fear and your imagination defeat you!
8. On the blessing of struggle

When you're in the midst of the struggle it's shit.

Thing is, being born in the struggle is actually the greatest blessing of all.

The hunger you have is a gift, and you only get it starting from the dirt.
9. On the importance of remaining uncomfortable.

Stagnancy is the fastest way to an early grave.

The only way you avoid it is by continuing to challenge yourself and continuing to grow.

"If life is too easy, find a way to make it harder."

Tell son.
There we go. We made it all the way.

The first thread in my new place, It's a bit short but I know it's powerful.

Read these tweets, understand them, become more.

We need more men of virtue.

Stay Hungry. Stay Blessed.

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