
i’ve said it before & i’ll say it again. eating disorders are NOT cool and quirky. it’s not some bandwagon u should jump on. they are life ruining. my ed ruined my life and i am NOT going to sit by and watch it be treated, YET AGAIN, as some cool fucking trend.
i lost my hair. my friends. my teeth got ruined. i couldn’t walk longer than 10 mins without falling down. i couldn’t enjoy myself EVER. all i thought about was being thin, it takes over EVERYTHING. school, college, relationships.
when i say they’re life threatening & life ruining, i MEAN it.

oh, and while we’re here .... WHY does no one talk about how tiktok has become like ana tumblr? wake UP. @TikTokSupport i absolutely think u need to take some extra measures to prevent this shit. it’s enabling it.
think before u tweet. u never ever know who is going to see ur tweet/post & how it’s gonna affect them.

i’ve watched a lot of my friends have a very hard day because of that one tweet & it’s so unfair.
anyway, i’m here for everyone ALWAYS. you’re so much more than your brain. so much more than what u know. PLEASE look after yourselves xxx
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