#BoyfriendsGMM as u guys know Gulf Talay Kao are associated with BL industry alr. I wanna talk about the other 2, U might know that Ritz is a singer who sang ost for why r u, but actually he’s one of the first fews shipping couples in Thailand (cont)
He’s been shipping with his singer friend who he met at the singing competition program for long time ago. About Great, some of u might already know that he’s one of the manner of death’s casts, but actually before he get into the entertainment industry,
He is popular from being something like representative of Thammasat university and being shipped with the other guy who was in Chula university which these unis are allied or something like counterpart/correspondant. So all members are associated with bl/shipping cp industry
For those of you who want to check more about Ritz and Great’s shipping couple, you can look at these hashtags #โน่ริท (Tono&Ritz) and #เกรทพอร์ช (Great&Porches)
Left:Tono&Ritz Right:Great&Porches
What cute is that Great and Porches have known as Romeo and Juliet of Chula and Tham uni as they are from different uni and their unis are kind of like competing eo, so it seemed like forbidden love lmao
They are like the representative of good relationship between their unis as well since you can see in the pic that they both wear different colour of shirt which are their coloured uni shirt, but they took a photo together
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