Yesterday a historic GAME CHANGING Agreement between the United Arab Emirates & Israel was announced as most US based News Outlets made it sound like President Trump was just a bystander.
This Agreement did not happen overnight.
It took YEARS to manage it & I assure you the Trump Administration was an integral part of it.
This OPEN understanding between UAE & Israel is simply acknowledging a new reality taking hold among the Arab States that the generational...
...enmity practiced towards Israel was irrational & pointless to continue along that course.
War for War's sake as grievances fester & opportunities for dialogue & potential peace are passed by decade after decade.
The majority of Arab populations are now under 30 years of age.
It's clear the historic differences are a harder sell with every passing decade to youths who now see far more in common with Israel than anything objectionable.
To them the justifications to perpetuate the conflict sound hollow & contrived.
Oh, there's one big REASON for that=
The depredations, butchery & savagery of ISIS are still an open wound to the Islamic World.
I need to be VERY clear here.
There is a distinct difference between being a Muslim & being an ISLAMIST Supremacist.
Muslims were HORRIFIED by ISIS's claims & actions.
Before people @ me about how Islam's history shows X, Y & Z allow me to say I ALREADY KNOW THAT.
I'm writing this Thread about Today & Tomorrow, not Yesterday.
Festering grievances & all that, eh?
A large % of Arabs from 2001-2013 supported Al Qaeda.
What changed that?
The ultimate proof that the Arab States had their own GUT FULL of ISIS is that by 2015 Arab Coalition Forces had formed & to combat & defeat the Savages.
The US Military supported the Arabs with air power & Advisors but THEY did the fighting on the ground defeating ISIS.
I have an extensive picture gallery of what ISIS did to people.
I won't post them because that savagery doesn't need to be seen anymore.
Muslims defeated the ISLAMIST Caliphate because for every non-Muslim ISIS murdered they slaughtered NINETEEN Muslims.
It was a bloodbath.
I admit that after following the WAR ON TERROR <---Stupid Name! SINCE 9-11 I watched with a growing sense of horror as Obama snatched defeat from the Jaws of Victory by **deliberately** dropping the Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq.
This FORCED The Iraqi Gov. to turn to IRAN.
If we had stayed the course for just 5-8 more years **all the sacrifices INCLUDING THE LIVES OF OUR SOLDIERS** would have stabilized the Region.
Obama made SURE that would not happen.
The Shia Gov in Iraq then turned to the Shia  IRAN
Because I KNEW what most Americans did not. That Iran had been taking an active role in the insurgency in Iraq & that they were DIRECTLY responsible for killing 600+ US Servicemen & women.
This is the time I first heard the name Qassem Soleimani.
The brutal head of Quds Force
There were hearings before Congress about Iran's role in inflicting US Casualties in Iraq.
The US MSM barely mentioned them.
As I've said, if they don't cover it, it never happened or what's worse, they DO cover it but frame it dishonestly thereby nullifying it's impact.
Obama, at that time, was sending PALLETS OF CASH to the Mullahs & working feverishly to turn them into a nuclear power.
(To nuke Israel, I'm assuming)
Into this HELL ZONE of chaos & uncertainty came the rise of ISIS.
My horror descended into despair as their foothold grew.
The Iraqi Military collapsed in the face of an ISIS force they outnumbered 20 to 1.
ISIS commandeered all the abandoned weapons & vehicles including MAIN BATTLE TANKS.
A significant # of their Officers were former Iraqi Army Officers purged by the Iraq Gov. for being Sunni
I stopped covering/watching it. I just couldn't. ISIS was soon worldwide drawing what I call GORE CROW CONVERTS like this Kid who was from Australia who volunteered to become a VBIED Suicide Bomber.
The madness grew as attacks spread.
The MSM covering every gruesome detail...
Savagery like you can't imagine.
The French Gov. actually covered up what ISIS did to those kids.
Bodies were not released to families due to the fact that would prove French Authorities were so SLOW responding ISIS had time to extensively TORTURE the dying.
86 Innocent Souls crushed in an act of unbridled barbarity.
I could go on & on & ON.
From it's rise in 2003 (created in 1999 but not a "player" until the US Invasion of Iraq) until the toppling of it's Caliphate ISIS exacted an incredible Toll upon humanity
But 2017 would be ISIS's "high water mark" in it's ability to conquer territory & savage the peoples of the Middle East.
Try, if you can, to picture the state of ISIS in Nov. of 2016.
Now, imaging it's the year 2020 OF A HILLARY PRESIDENCY!
I'm sorry for doing that to you, bu it had to be done.
President Trump knew the Arab States were the solution to the rise of the Islamists.
He knew the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) had military capabilities carefully prepared & hidden to deal with the growing Islamist threat.
This is WHY Trump's first State Visit as America's President was to the GCC's Charter Nation, Saudi Arabia.
I STILL remember watching Trump & Melania descending from Air Force One as Fox News Hosts stated they had NO IDEA what this Visit was for or supposed to accomplish!!
Everyone ASSUMED it was some big arms deal or something.
The MSM wandered about clueless as HISTORY was being made.
The Kingdom's greeting of Trump's Family was astounding.
Nigh veneration.
As the Kingdom heaped lavish devotion & praise upon President Trump the MSM reported on the opulence of the surroundings & how the Saudi men SLOBBERED over Ivanka's long legged Blonde Beauty.
The Seeds of ISIS's DEMISE.
Trump didn't pander to the Saudis like Obama did.
Trump met the as EQUALS & talked shop.
Trump wanted to END the US's ENDLESS Wars since 9-11.
Trump offered to HELP & SUPPORT the GCC in it's goal to put down ONCE & FOR ALL the Islamist threat ALL civilized Nations were suffering.
Trump was fulfilling a PROMISE he'd made himself on a Street in Manhattan on Sept. 12th, 2001.
You see Donald Trump lost a good # of friends & acquaintances the day before & he swore if it was ever within his power, he FIX THOSE RESPONSIBLE.
Well, that's the ISLAMISTS, Folks.
This is President Trump's Speech in Riyadh to the GCC & a World that was currently suffering from the scourge of Islamist terrorism.
I ask you to take time to listen to it when possible or read the transcript.
Guess where the strategy & Headquarters of the coming GCC Campaign against ISIS was launched?
Social Media, having NO IDEA what this was mocked this historic moment with the picture on the right.
Well, TWO can play that Game!!
I began to hope again! Trump's speech was clear=The US was getting OUT OF THE WAY to let the Arabs deal with an ARAB problem.
We would support them when needed but in the coming 2 years it would be ARAB VALOR that defeated ISIS.
And defeat them they did. HANDILY.
The GCC sent 250,000 Arab Commandos into Iraq to defeat ISIS & recover Iraqi sovereignty from Iran.
Iraq had accepted the help because the GCC's offer was AMAZING.
They would wear Iraqi Uniforms & take orders from Iraqi Officers.
Lastly the revealed what they could do with an amazing assortment of weaponry they had built up since around 2006.
This coupled with US air support (among other things) was a powerful combination.
The offensive was launched in Oct. of 2016 & the Iraqis NEVER LOST A BATTLE.
ISIS's grip on Iraq was broken. They were driven back into Syria & then, on March 20th of 2019 Trump showed a Map to an uncomprehending & SNEERING MSM telling them ISIS's Caliphate would be "completely gone" by the next day.
MSM framed it as a boastful lie.
It wasn't.
ISIS is still a terror threat but their dreams of Caliphate are gone...(at least until the next Democrat President)
Iraq slowly regained it's sovereignty from Iran as, during the same 3 years President Trump NEUTERED Iran's ability to project force.
He did this by SUPPORTING Arab States suffering from Iran's PROXY MILITIAS in their midst.
By Trump AND the GCC supporting those Nations in key ways & hitting those Militias hard Iran's grip was weakened to such a degree it made the Mullahs desperate.
Iran HAS no "real" Military.
Their IRGC (Iran Revolutionary Guard Coprs) are poorly trained thugs who keep the Iranain people under their heel.
Whenever they encounter trained Soldiers in battle they are slaughtered.
Quds Force is no better.
Since the Mullahs could not allow Iraq to escape their grasp...
They tasked Quds Force's Commander Soleimani (remember him?) to disrupt the peace in Iraq & force a divide between the Iraqi & Americans.
Soleimani resolved to do this just as before.
By murdering American Military in terror attacks.
There was just one problem.
When 2 of Soleimani's Proxy Militias attacked the US Embassy in Iraq the Iraqis were slow to respond & perhaps in some cases **deliberately** late to the party.
But the US Marines held the Inner compound against a much larger force.
As near as I can tell NOT A SINGLE PERSON DIED in the "attack" on the embassy.
A LOT of property damage & frayed nerves.
Also, some Militia Leaders seemed to be giving conflicting orders.
Old General Soleimani was APOPLECTIC!
Without DEAD Americans his strategy to split the US/Iraqi Gov.s won't work!
With the Mullahs breathing down his neck for RESULTS he resolved to go to Iraq personally to make sure this job got done right.
I'd like to think when that HELLFIRE Missile hit that Demonic Sh*tbag there was an Angelic Chorus of 600+ American Soldiers singing HALLELUJAH!!
When Trump gave his speech that the World was leaving Islamism behind HE MEANT IT.
The GCC did their part removing ISIS.
& then President Trump PUNCTUATED the end of Iran's meddling (openly) in Iraq's governance by sending Soleimani to Hell to keep Al Baghdadi company.
The Mullahs WEPT in impotent RAGE.
(As I laughed!)
From a rising Power about to achieve Nukes to a shattered Husk in 4 years!
The Mullahs & Hezbollah plotted & planned how to strike back...(you know, besides shooting down their own Passenger Airliners 😳)
They carefully & stealthily prepared for a savage SNEAK ATTACK on (X) via a POWERFUL stockpile of Missiles.
It would be DEVASTATING!!
Well gosh! Stockpiling such a high # of Missiles & powerful Warheads in Warehouses in Beirut may not have been the best idea.
Iran's War, against whomever, just ended.
The Mullahs won't survive another Trump Presidency.
One last note about the Historic Alliance between Nations that ended ISIS's reign of terror & is currently ending the Mullah's reign as well.
There's another Partner besides the US & the GCC.
It's a Partner the Saudis have had a MUTUAL SECURITY & INTELLIGENCE AGREEMENT with.
Since 2006.






WHO could it be?
Peace. Is. Coming.

Trump moves the US Embassy to Jerusalem as DOOM CRIERS predicted Armageddon.
President Trump & his allies are reshaping the Middle East before our eyes.
He's doing the "impossible" every day as people bitch & moan at him.
The MSM may ignore this or FRAME it in the worst possible light but none of that's going to matter.
The Arab States, President Trump and ISRAEL are forging a new understanding that everyone can live with.
Watch, UAE was only the 1st to open relations.
Now they all will.
Poor Cash strapped Iran!! Just as I'm threading this, this happens=US seizes multi-million Dollar Oil Shipment bound for Venezuela.
Those silly Mullahs just can't catch a break, huh?
By 2022 The Middle East will be a Hotbed of PEACE.
& you can quote me on that.
(Didn't see this even though it's 19 hours old!!)
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