It's best to understand that fascists see hypocrisy as a virtue. It's how they signal that the things they are doing to people were never meant to be equally applied.

It's not an inconsistency. It's very consistent to the only true fascist value, which is domination.
It's why accusing Democrats (who for all their many flaws are not fundamentally fascist) of hypocrisy has been an effective tactic for Republicans, while accusing thoroughly fascist groups like Republicans of hypocrisy has been such an ineffective tactic for Democrats.
So: Republican gridlock and manufactured governmental ineffectuality after building their brand complaining of Democratic gridlock and governmental ineffectuality is indeed hypocrisy, but it's very consistent to their only true value, which is domination.
So: Republican dismantling of democratic institution after building their brand complaining of (non-existent) Democratic voter fraud and election tampering is indeed hypocrisy, but it's very consistent to their only true value, which is domination.
So: Brazen Republican cronyism and corruption after building their brand complaining of Democratic cronyism and corruption is indeed hypocrisy, but it's very consistent to their only true value, which is domination.
So: accusing Biden of nepotism for the benign act of asking his son to deliver a speech at his nomination, after 3 years of Trump allowing his vapid spawn to drive policy is indeed hypocrisy, but it's consistent to the only true fascist value, domination.
So: attacking the very form of voting they themselves enjoy and utilize is indeed hypocrisy, but it's entirely consistent with the only true fascist value, which is domination.

Without the hypocrisy, how can you tell you're truly dominating others?
It's very important to understand, fascists don't just see hypocrisy as a necessary evil. It's not that it's an unintended side-effect.

It's the purpose. The ability to enjoy yourself the thing you're able to deny others, because you dominate, is the whole point.
To demand peacefulness while violent
To demand civility while enjoying cruelty
To demand honest dealing while corrupt
To demand unity while dividing through bigotry
To expect fiscal responsibility while engaged in displays of monstrous greed

Hypocrisy is the wage of the fascist.
So: while it is indeed hypocritical to claim to be "pro-life" even while demonstrating, in every aspect of public life, a casual lack of concern for the lives of other people, the hypocrisy is actually *the key selling point* for a fascist politician.
People who want very much to enjoy privileges that they would deny others—without even having to suffer the discomfort of being confronted with the fact that this is what they want—are attracted to a fascist politician demonstrating his ability to commit brazen acts of hypocrisy.
"If this person can ignore basic laws of human decency even while claiming to be a paragon of human decency, one can conclude that this person could also manufacture a similar state for me."

Or: "he's hurting the right people."

Or: "he's saying what we're all thinking."
The fascist politician is engaging in hypocrisy because his true moral principle is domination of others.

In so doing, the politician is advertising to fascist-aligned voters their ability to do this. The hypocrisy is their reward for themselves, and their proof to followers.
Once you understand that for a fascist, their religion and their God is domination over other human beings, then what Trump is saying becomes perfectly clear.
Once you understand that, you understand that standing in front of the church holding a Bible is not the most important part of this image to the Evangelicals who support trump.

The most important part of this image is the fact that he tear-gassed BLM protesters to stand there.
Tear-gassing peaceful protesters wasn't the thing he did so he could stand with a Bible.

He stood with a Bible so that he could tear-gas peaceful protesters.

Demanding peace while violent is how you demonstrate domination.

Hypocrisy is a virtue to a fascist.
Demanding peace while posing a present threat; hypocrisy is a virtue to fascists.
Bringing violence to one group while allowing violence from your own group is hypocrisy—a hypocrisy that demonstrates the exercise of domination, which is the only true fascist principle, to which they keep consistent.

Hypocrisy is a virtue, for fascists.
Bringing violence to one group while allowing violence from your own group is hypocrisy—a hypocrisy that demonstrates the exercise of domination, which is the only true fascist principle, to which they keep consistent.

Hypocrisy is a virtue, for fascists.
So: Urging your followers to commit voter fraud after railing against non-existent Democratic voter fraud is indeed hypocrisy, but it's very consistent to a fascist’s only true value, which is domination.
So: Excoriating a political opponent for an infraction of the rules you’ve spent the entire pandemic telling people to break is indeed hypocrisy, but it's very consistent to a fascist’s only true value, which is domination.
Hypocrisy is a virtue, to fascists.

It's how they know they will be permitted to do that which they will not permit others to do. It's the vouchsafe of their only true principle, which is domination over others.
Hypocrisy is a virtue, to fascists.

It's how they know they will be permitted to do that which they will not permit others to do. It's the vouchsafe of their only true principle, which is domination over others.
Hypocrisy is a virtue, to fascists.
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