Heartfelt condolences to those students who have been negatively impacted by the 'A-Level algorithm'.

To commentators who are raising awareness that this has overwhelmingly hurt students from poorer backgrounds I believe there to needs be further acknowledgement 1/
Of the impact that lockdowns and closure of in person teaching has contributed towards this outcome.

The overwhelming evidence was that school closures would impact those from poorer households, whether due to access to technology, space to work and a myriad of other issues 2/
So to raise awareness at the point the chickens came home to roost is fine. But in March the evidence was already there that this would be a very likely outcome.

This is the greatest disservice. We allowed short-termist thinking and the echo chamber of social media and MSM 3/
To influence policy we KNEW would severely and negatively impact those with the worst prospects.

This is unacceptable and the true issue that needs discussing.

For all those lobbying for schools to remain closed to these students. Hang your heads in shame.

The biggest killer in the UK is not Covid or the next of its ilk. It is POVERTY

The left behind in society have far worse economic, education and healthcare outcomes.

School closures exacerbate this inequality at an early age and society as a whole pays the burden

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