It’s season 1 and I already hate Wesley
It’s happening again
First season of TNG so far is not that great, really feels like TOS but with CGI. Not a fan of Beardless Riker who seems to be a stand in for Kirk, but Troi..... hello
why is pickard explaining the holodeck to his bridge crew lol
even the show agrees this kid sucks
men, what's stopping you from dressing like this? 😍
This is almost an MRA episode and i can't stop laughing
some women are just INTIMIDATED by the tradwife lifestyle
regret to inform you all the Crusher is on the flight logs
i miss bars
it's nice to know that in the future everyone still thinks people in IT are weird
Karnas? Karnas. Karnas! KARNAS!!
ohh so the phasers make different sounds depending on the setting? that's kind of cool
So the Aldeans need children, but the Enterprise isn't willing to give up theirs which is understandable. Like are there no orphanages? Why can't they just plan a trade and get the stuff for the trade? this seems dumb on the aldean's part and Riker just flat out saying no
It’s always funny when riker and troi go on away missions and riker is just a total horndog over every woman he meets and she constantly gives him the side eye
losing my mind over this
this interrogation sequence reminds me of tyrion's deception in game of thrones season 2. will not be explaining further
Oh yay a Klingon episode where Worf must choose where his loyalties lie
mmm topical
are they doing like a drug thing here, but they call it a plague?
god wesley is such a little narc!
Yar has definitely done ketamine
they haven't said it but is the prime directive why they can't give them the non addictive drug? i'm not really sure how that applies here because both species have space travel and made contact with the federation. it's interesting tho that the show is taking a neutraly approach
lol they just mentioned the prime directive so i guess i was partly right
Time to watch Skin of Evil and find out what my favorite character, Lieutenant Yar, gets up to this week :)
worf and yar? i ship it
i hate funerals
I’m such a sucker for time anomaly stories
Looper (2012)
Dir: Rain Johnson
DP: Steve Yedlin
I feel like there is an episode about this but I cant remember which series it was but what happens when someone gets caught in a teleported? Like if they’re being teleported and the teleportation power cuts out
i feel attacked
that was a fun episode but i wish they had a more clever resolution to figuring out who was in the correct time continuum
alien space bugs that control your mind, or how i learned to finally respect Stargate SG-1
ok i thought this was going to be a cool spy, double agent type story line but this brain slug is throwing people through doors and beating the crap out of crew members, what happened to a little thing called SUBTERFUGE
aw the little claymation brain slugs this is basically the thing
Scanners (1981)
Dir: David Cronenberg
DP: Mark Irwin
i wish data had let these encino people d*e
that episode sucked, but apparently was written during a writer's strike so kind of makes sense. also vague borg stuff???
Bearded Riker!!! wait... wait where is Crusher? oh no
wrong crusher FUCK
The TNG crew discovers twitter
mentally i am here
why is this doctor so mean to data all the fucking time!?
they're doing a han solo/dashing rogue thing in the episode and the guy is clearly hamming it up and having a good time but... idk
this guy with the human triforce chorus wants to bang, but also why didn't anyone tell picard about him being deaf? seems weird
the moral of this story is "communication is good and sign language kicks ass"
Feels like Data is about to start a Youtube Channel discussing Philosophy and Physics
this guy cant stop saying "dudes rock"
the quality of episodes this season is so inconsistent. almost want to skip season 2
oh boy this seems like a Pulaski heavy episode... yay 😒 i don't get why she's always such an asshole to Data
It's like shocking how accurate they got people wanting exceptions to a quarantine in this episode. "the children have been in isolation and show no symptoms, they must be fine" It's a quarantine! You're a doctor! How do you not understand this!?
This is so DUMB! She got herself sick because she doesn't understand what an asymptomatic carrier is! She's a virologist specialist too!! Why would you do that!!!
Riker channeling his inner Bourdain by relishing every Klingon delicacy
Oh i think they talked about this episode on RLM? Fuck this Bruce Maddox guy in any case
Idk why but this technical schematic of Data is adorable
god it's a wesley episode
i find this exchange funny, but when trying to get screen grabs i realized the broke the 180 rule and 🙃🙃🙃
idk what's happening but... hello
Picard playing "Her Story" rn
So is this like a ghost story episode? is this the star trek's Shining? Who's Jack Nicholson
this guy rules, i'm sure i'll never see him again 🥲
Seems like a recurring thing for intergalactic travelers having trouble with doors
It's nice to know that 400 years in the future, white people ( Riker ) still don't use any seasonings in their cooking
Moon (2009)
Dir: Duncan Jones
DP: Gary Shaw
It's a daddy issues episode! Backstory! nice
dude's love posing with fish
what the hell
the tension between ensign sonya gomez and captain picard and one glass of spilled hot chocolate
Wait the Q and the Borg in ONE episode. bless my stars
yes haha YES
sonya gomez.... hello
I just realized the family guy "Cool Whhip" joke is based on how Michael Dorn says weapons with an H. "What about their wheapons?"
The Irish are at it again in this week's episode
Brenna: 👁️👁️
Riker: 😏
Clones? Clones? Clones.
I find it somewhat strange the very strict anticloning that seems prevalent among the starfleet officers? It's not super surprising given the general writing and themes of the show, but it seems more based on sentimentality and romanticism than science
Ohhhh this is a poly episode, got it.
Worf is amazing
It's happening agaiN!! (again!!)
What zero pussy does to a mfer
thought this guy looked familiar
I wish I understood the rules of Stratagema, it looks like Space Go
egirls & their podcast bf
oh fuck its a clip show FUCK what a let down for a season finale
Dr. Bob Kelso is really into baseball
I like this set
How it started How it's going
It's always cute when someone has the hots for Data
It’s so weird when one of the main characters of the week have a very obvious voice dub, it just totally sucks me out of the story
Aww Picard said he looks forward to his next concert. They tied that up nicely
when the tea is good and the house is nice
The range
The music in this episode is nice
That was a good episode, i wanted to keep making jokes about Ray Wise looking for Palmer, but they were all bad
i'm such a sucker for this type of lighting
I don't understand what is happening in this episode.
And the space ghost just walks off screen and that resolves that story line i guess?
just solid stuff here
love episodes where characters fall in love with holodeck programs
Her (2013)
Dir: Spike Jonze
DP: Hoyte van Hoytema
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Dir: Christopher Nolan
DP: Wally Pfister
Worf said “Let them die!”
Romulans are so played so over the top, just mustache twirling villainy which seems really silly for a race that’s supposed to be built around secrecy and subterfuge
A Troi love story episode? Yawn! 🥱
This poker/negotiation/ferengi plot line is very weird
Ral has that post nut high during these negotiations, not sure how the other representatives can compete with that
changed my mind about this episode
I've had to restart this episode three times because i simply do not care about the Acamarians
I feel like theres a direct correlation between how horny Riker is and how bad an episode is
got her fucking ass
its cute how into art picard is. him teaching data about humanity by making him perform shakespeare is nice
this pause is great
romulans are a society dominated by pantsuits and shoulder pads
i really like this episode so far. all the conflicting information, the parallel between Henry V and Picard. good stuff
that was a good episode, im really surprised. was not expecting that
this episode is metaphor for people that served in vietnam i think?
Want to know what happened? Goddamn Tarsian War is what happened!!!
Star Trek: First Blood
Fucking security on the enterprise feels like bunch of mall cops half the time
This set is cool
Rollo Tomassi?
Wow this is just like children of men 🙂
Troi's outfit
This show always makes it seem like it's so easy to take over/ blow up the enterprise
Picard and Crusher intereacting 😍
OH! This is the IRA episode
Q definitely has a dick because he's taking on a human form, so i assume he would give himself a massive hog.
The dialogue in this opening is so fun, Q is way more enjoyable than a lot of the god-like characters that are prevalent throughout TOS. Also this line is perfect
this episode is great
Data just bodied Picard's hopes to ever be a great artist. just absolutely brutal critiques
It's a Murder Mystery!
I'm convinced Mark Margolis has just always looked like an old man
Riker being a horn dog is entirely believable but this story doesnt feel right
I liked them using the holodeck to figure out a mystery but the way they kind of wrap it up feels a little rushed.
i love warf
Shout outs to the production design and costume department
This episode has so much going on and it isn't missing a beat or dragging at all. just excellent writing/direction/acting all around
Lawnmowerman looking ass offspring
star trek reinforcing gender binaries smh
draw me like one of your french captains
Admirals never come with good news in this show, they're always assholes or crazy or crazy assholes
oh boy... another klingon exchange episode
Tony Todd!
Replicator can make anything but seasoning
Is a cha'DIch a lawyer? i don't understand what the cha'DIch does, but it seems important
wish i understood Klingon law and customs better for this episode, but i guess he went into exile? ostracized? something
me, reading your tweets
I see, this is a bit of a No Exit situation they've gotten themselves into
i love how oblivious the crew is given the know that there was a strange energy source in the captain's quarters and Picard's sudden weird behavior lmao
i would like to eat the gooey puck
Patrick Stewart gives the imposter Picard a slight slouch that is subtle enough to not draw attention to it, but gives the effect that this (obviously) isn't the real Picard.
Yes Picard orders ales for everyone in Ten-Forward, but i don't think i've ever seen anyone pay for drinks at the bar so.... this seems like an empty gesture
Captains singing English shanty tunes are a red flag in any century
Love a good old fashioned mutiny
Solid book joke
I was walking down the street one day and you know I be looking at asses and shit and I seen lil’ yoga pants, walking out the nail salon. So I looked, I peeped that ass out and I was like “damn, she thick as fuck”. Turned around, tt. I was like “dam
What zero jamaharon does to a mf
i'm sorry i can't be him
I know Ferengi usually suck, but this Solvak character feels really racist on top of it
Betazoids are so annoying, just assume because they can read your mind they know everything!!
I feel bad for making fun of Tam now, i feel bad for tam. i hope tam and tin man form a happy fam between tham
Oh to be a Tin Man swimming through space around a dying star
This episode ends on a sweet and hopeful note. "Grief has been transmuted to joy. Loneliness to belonging" :)
Troi always gets the prettiest dresses
I think this is my first Barclay episode?
lol why would they put the tissue samples on the antigrav unit they know is having problems? is there only one? and if there is why whouldnt they test the unit first before putting delicate cargo on it lmao
no context needed
everyone is so mean to him lmao even Picard called him Broccoli
I can’t get this out of my head lol
It's interesting seeing Data exist away from Starfleet. I'm enjoying this better than Measure of a Man
Ambassador episodes are always hit and miss, but seeing Sarek it's apparent how devoid TNG is of Vulcans which is kind of a shame cuz i like them
This is so fucking good lol
I've never seen a vulcan cry!!!
Mind meld. Mind Meld! MIND MELD!!!
The fucking RANGE of this scene
What a good episode, goddamn
i kind of want to watch another episode but that last one was so good, i think i'm going to leave off tonight and then the next three will end with best of both worlds pt 1
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