Most people do not seem to be mentally prepared for how much worse things can and likely will get over the next few months or for how fast things will happen once they do.

I despair about how better to help people open their minds to this reality.
We must both act as if the system is intact enough to enable us to remove a tyrant from power through the electoral process AND we must recognize the tyrant has no intention of respecting the electoral process or of participating in a peaceful transition of power.

It’s not easy.
When I talk about this, people tend to ask for solutions, “what should we do?!” and to get angry if I don’t respond with a bullet point list for how to maintain (the illusion of) control.

The first step is to understand the election is CRITICAL—but it will not be the end point.
For tonight, just try to sit and let your mind wrap around that much.

We are almost certainly NOT going to cast our ballots on election day and wake up the next morning to—uncontested—results.

That’s going to be traumatic in and of itself if you’re not prepared for it.
Not only are Trump and the GOP engaging in voter suppression and disenfranchisement—they are proactively planning to engage in “weeks-long legal fights in an array of states” after election day.

Hence their DESIRE for chaos.

Chaos = grounds to challenge.
Trump and the GOP will do everything possible over the next six months to consolidate political power and put restrictions on civil liberties.

Whether the restrictions are legal or not is irrelevant. They’ll be in effect until there are court rulings otherwise, which takes time.
Trump has co-opted CBP and other federal forces to serve as his secret police and has seeded the police departments of various metropolitan areas with members of these various federal entities.

These entities are not trained in peacekeeping. They exist to do extrajudicial ops.
Trump and Barr have taken steps to expand the definition of “terrorists” to include people participating in protests and people “giving aid to” protesters.

Legal? Probably not. But those definitional expansions are nonetheless in effect and used by police and CBP with Americans.
I’m going to stop there for tonight. That’s enough for folks to take in for now.

So, yes, donate to Biden and Harris and help GOTV. Leave it ALL on the field for this election.

And start to prepare yourself mentally for the reality that this election will likely be...different.
Trump continues to telegraph his strategy to maintain power, as he has done throughout his time in office.

Just today, he falsely asserts, “The Democrats know the 2020 Election will be a fraudulent mess. Will maybe never know who won!”
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