An NBA role player turned his $350,000 salary into a net worth of $600M.

Time for a thread 👇👇👇
1) Ulysses Lee “Junior” Bridgeman, born and raised in Chicago, was selected in the 1st round of the 1975 NBA Draft by the LA Lakers.

His time in LA didn't last long though, Bridgeman was immediately traded to Milwaukee as part of a package to bring Kareem Abdul Jabbar to LA.
2) Bridgeman wasn’t a superstar, but with a career total of over 11,500 points and almost 3,000 rebounds, he certainly wasn’t a slouch either.

Playing 10 years with the Milwaukee Bucks and 2 years for the Los Angeles Clippers, Bridgeman excelled as a sixth man.
3) From a financial perspective, NBA paychecks weren’t what they are today.

The majority of athletes made more money off endorsements than they did through their contract.

As a role player, Bridgeman earned no more than $350,000 in a single season.
4) To prepare for life after basketball, Bridgeman spent his offseason working the drive-through at a local Wendy’s to learn more about the fast food business.

By the time he entered retirement, Bridgeman already owned 3 Wendy's franchises.
5) After seeing success, Bridgeman doubled down investing in over 160 locations over the next 20+ years.

He also invested in Chili’s, owning more than 120 at one point.

Bridgeman built a portfolio of 360 restaurants in 16 states but set his sights on a bigger opportunity.
6) In 2016, as part of a bottling and distribution deal with The Coca Cola Company, Bridgeman agreed to sell off his Wendy’s and Chili’s franchise locations.

The agreement with Coca Cola granted Bridgeman exclusive operations in parts of Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, and Nebraska.
7) The Coca Cola deal was a dream for Bridgeman, who had been fascinated with the brand since his playing days and later went on to purchase additional bottling rights within Canada.

All in, Bridgeman has built up an estimated net worth of $600M+ - Not bad for a role player.
8) Were often fed astonishing facts about an athlete's mismanagement of money.

With Junior Bridgeman, it's refreshing to see a player recognize the opportunity in front of them and put in the hard work and self-education necessary to transition from NBA player to business titan.
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