Brace yourselves, because I'm about to go full psychologist over all these mask tantrums. 1
I don’t need to say this but I will, these are adults behaving next-level bananas over having to wear a mask. This is behavior unbecoming of even a child, let alone a moderately well-functioning adult. 2
They can try and spin it as a freedom/conspiracy/human trafficking/satanic thing all they want, but that’s a bunch of nonsense. There is obviously something else going on. 3
Plus, all those excuses they’re making (“medical freedom,” “I need my oxygen,” “I’m concerned about human trafficking,” etc. just make it more obvious that they aren’t being honest with themselves. 4
It’s like when you’re a kid and you overslept so you unload like 20 different excuses (car trouble, traffic, flat tire!) for why you’re late to school instead of just saying “I overslept.” 5
So… mask task tantrumers, here’s what is really going on. You’re scared. 6
Whether you admit it or not, there is a deadly virus out there and it might kill you or someone you love. It’s scary. And you don’t like feeling scared (most of you are men so you were probably raised to believe that fear is a weakness). 7
That kind of vulnerability is hard so you are overcompensating by pretending there isn’t really a threat out there. “It’s all a hoax!” you shout when what you really mean is “I hate feeling this way and I wish it would just go away!” 8
Every time you see someone in a mask, it’s a reminder of the very real threat that’s out there. You want the whole world to play along with your make-believe and it pisses you off that we won’t. 9
So there you are, out in the open… exposed and vulnerable, face to face with a very real threat and you start getting scared, and since that feeling is uncomfortable for you… you tantrum because your anger feels better to you than fear. 10
It’s not unlike a child having a tantrum at bedtime. They aren’t really angry about having to go to bed, they’re scared of the dark… and they don’t want to admit it. 11
I get it… and I’m sorry, and I can empathize with the fear. This pandemic is a literal nightmare. 12
And I can empathize with the discomfort of vulnerability too. It’s not your fault you were raised in a toxic culture that shames the showing of natural and health human emotions. 13
And I wish I could just treat these like child tantrums and let them play out so we could deal with what’s really bothering you, but we can’t. 14
Because your refusal to put on a mask, puts us all in danger and extends the nightmare. 15
So…. I need you to get it together and deal with what’s really going on. America doesn’t have time for you to deal with all those insecurities right now. 16
We need you to do the brave thing right now….

Admit you're scared, and put on your fucking mask. 17
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