I didn't use technology for 5 days last week.

Went to a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Brought some books, my journal, and my mind.

Here's the highly requested Post-Retreat Report Thread...
How did I prepare for this trip?

I brought...

• 5 pounds of ground turkey
• 5 pounds of rice
• Old journals
• 10+ books (finished 3)
• Articles from @YousXP
@ComedicBizman’s 7 Day Digital Detox Prescription (from Tej Dosa Letter #8)
• No expectations
What were the rules?

• No clocks in the cabin
• No phone
• No computer
• Only books/articles/journaling
• Limited speaking
Can you give me a quick recap?

• Day 1/2 – Felt lonely/isolated
• Day 3 – Woke up in middle of night by smoke detector (lol)
• Day 4 – Started to see my life in third person (exciting + enlightening)
• Day 5 – Felt like a horse before a race
• Day 6 – Went home
What did you actually do all day?

• Upon waking: 1-hour meditation
• Coffee
• Read
• Journal
• Walks
• Eat
• Runs
• Pushups
• Pullups (under a bridge)
• Quick yoga sessions
• Before sleeping: 1-hour meditation
What books did you read?

• Conscious Living by Gay Hendricks
• The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
• Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron
• Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

All interesting and thought-provoking for different reasons (will write a thread on each book).
What insights did you gain?

• Harder than expected
• Play more hands
• What you create becomes smarter than you
• Create a new character
• Excellence is asking “will this get me closer to where I want to be?”
• Figure out what you can control vs. what you can’t

I’m comfortable with my own thoughts. I’m comfortable sitting in silence.

But the first 36 hours were difficult, lonely & isolating – unlike anything I had experienced before.

You know what happens when we go through “difficult” times?

We get stronger.

This was my central takeaway from “Life’s Gamble” by @YousXP

The more hands you play, the better you get.

If you lose the hand, great… you learned something.

If you win the hand, great… you have more chips. https://yous.co/play/ 

When you create something, it can become smarter than you.


You start a website and post for 5 years.

Unless you have a photographic memory, you after 5 years will not be able to recall every example you posted... but your website can.

Somewhere around Day 2, I started to forget who I was.

Which got me excited.

“My old character is dying… so I can consciously create a new one.”

I decided my new character would be even MORE disciplined, focused, & excellent than the one pre-trip.

Excellence is asking yourself in every moment:

“Is this what will get me closer to my goals?”

It’s evaluating your behavior on a second-by-second basis to ensure that what you’re doing right now will make you better.

We spend a lot of time worrying about stuff we can't control.

But if you actually list out up that which you can vs. can’t control, it's helpful.

For example, I did this for writing (pictured below)...
What changes have you made since coming back?

• One task at a time
• Utilize deep work sessions (53 minutes on, 17 minutes off)
• Bought ergonomic keyboard + stand
• Following a training plan ( @anymanfitness No Squats/No Deadlifts)
• Reviewing mindset folder consistently
Would you recommend it?

Depends on the person.

Doing something like this with a wife/kids would probably be challenging.

To get the most out of the experience... may help to have experience with meditation and analyzing yourself. Also helps to be a reader and journaler.
What were the side effects?

• More present moment focus. Mind better able to focus on one task at a time.

• More difficult to write. I wrote every day for 5+ months straight. Then I stopped for a week. When I got back, it was like my mind forgot how to do it.
Are you going to do it again?

I could see myself doing it once every 6 mo./year.

Overall, I’m incredibly grateful to learn from books, nature, and myself.

If you have any questions I didn't cover, drop them below. :)

Thanks for reading!

To your success,
You can follow @heydannymiranda.
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