Let's break down this "Hindu khatre me hai narrative" that comes up again and again and has come to the fire again after the Bengaluru riots. The violence in the southern state is also being used to create a false equivalence between violence on Hindus and violence on Muslims.1/n
However, a closer look at the difference in state response when the aggressors are Hindus as compared to when they are Muslims shines some light on the truth.
1. The accused in Akhlaq mob lynching was granted bail and he fought elections in 2019 from a local Hindutva outfit. 2/n
He openly claimed in an interview that the lynching was done to protect Hindutva. Surprisingly, he was later arrested after a local dispute.
2. The Pehlu Khan mob lynching case saw its first convictions after three years in March, of two juveniles by the juvenile justice.. 3/n
..board, for a period of three years. Most of the adult perpetrators are walking free. In addition, the first response of the Rajasthan police after the mob lynching of Pehlu was to lodge a case against the deceased for transporting beef and not to nab the lynchers. 4/n
3. The Ramgarh mob lynching case was the most shocking of all. After a man named Alimuddin Ansari was lynched in cold blood, a fast-track court awarded a death sentence to all the accused. However, the Jharkhand High court overturned the decision and granted bail to most of.. 5/n
..the convicts. They were garlanded by then Central Government Minister Jayant Sinha after their release.
4. The infamous Tabrez Ansari mob lynching case saw an even more skewed investigation by the police. They initially concluded that he had died due to a cardiac arrest.. 6/n
..and refused to make any arrests. However, after a degree of public outrage, usually not seen when Muslims are mob lynched, the police was forced to dig deeper and it was concluded that Tabrez died of injury to the skull. The case is sub judice and we can only hope that.. 7/n
..convictions are made.
With these four examples, I'm just scratching the surface of violence against Muslims in India and the inadequate state response. Now, let's take a brief look at the cases where victims were Hindu and the state response as well as public reaction. 8/n
1. The Palghar mob lynching case got a public response rarely seen in India. The police made 101 arrests in a duration of eight hours. In fact, false rumours were spread that the accused were Muslims and the home minister of Maharashtra was forced to release a statement.. 9/n
..saying those dead and those who murdered are of the same religion.
2. The Kamlesh Tiwari murder case saw nationwide arrests being made with names of terrorist organizations routinely popping up, no substantiation given. 10/n
3. The Delhi riots that claimed 36 Muslim and 15 Hindu lives saw a heavily lopsided investigation by the police. Despite more Muslims losing their lives, police investigation has been pointed towards proving that CAA protestors were behind the controversy. In fact, one of.. 11/n
..the orders claimed that Hindu anger against arrests should be taken care of.
It's clear as day that the state response varies strongly as soon as the religion of those who are accused changes. To propagate a false narrative as some posts on Twitter and Insta are creating.. 12/n
..and targeting "woke" Insta kids for turning their DPs red is again an attempt to use one single incident to completely skew the narrative. The fact remains that violence against Muslims has the sanction of the state and its authorities. 13/n
This is the truth that needs to be put out there, loud and clear. 14/n
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