Israel is surrounded by countries (and terrorist groups they spawned) that refuse to recognise her legitimacy, or openly call to “wipe” her off the map

And you wonder why many Israelis feel besieged? We may now -thankfully- remove our Muslim brethren from the UAE from this list:
The rogues that remain:

Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan,
Indonesia, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Somalia, Libya
Brunei, Sudan, Comoros, Malaysia, Djibouti, Maldives, Guinea, Mali, Niger, North Korea
My dear Jewish friends (young and old) who have been anxious & worried about their future: as promised, things will (very slowly) start to get better from here. You are loved by us.

We (peaceful rational Muslims) will not abandon you to the wolves 🧿

إنَّ مَعَ العُسْرِ يُسراً
Some quick fire analysis:

1) This strengthens (obviously) Israel’s legitimacy in the region & may kick off a domino effect for some other countries to follow suit (all eyes on the prize for peace with Saudi Arabia)
2) severely weakens & further isolates terrorist-backing axis power, Iran & her Shia-Islamist terrorist militia in Yemen, Lebanon & Iraq. After the US killed the world’s most prolific Iranian terrorist-general Qassem Soleimani & after the Beirut blast, Iran is having a bad year
3) It also further isolates that mass-murdering poison gas using dictator Assad in Syria (who has never recognised Israel) while allowing for Arab-Israeli cooperation regionally to further isolate Assad & defend the Syrian people again this tyranny
4) it also undermines the machinations of the region’s aspiring broker Russia (which supported Iran in propping up Assad in Syria) and damages China’s ability to prop up Iran via their recent 25 year military deal. As it with China’s influence over the Palestinian Authority (PA)
5) as part of this deal Israel has abandoned plans to annex the West Bank, which puts the UAE in *very* good stead with the Palestinian leadership to broker peace
6) this UAE/Palestinian connection can serve to undermine Iran’s ability to use Hamas & Hezbollah terrorist proxies to frustrate the Palestinian leadership’s talks with Israel. Till now the PA has refused every single offer made to them by peace brokers.
7) The PA must now either soften its intransigence, or be domestically superseded by a genuine, new & fresh leadership that understands how to do politics (and not pretend it still lives in the Arafat days of revolution)
8) Overall, Middle-East’s only democracy Israel is now safer, UAE is showing leadership & Saudi may be next.

Palestinians gain, while Iran, Russia & China lose

It’s most excellent news for peace and democracy

I feel slightly overwhelmed (because I’ve been fighting for this) 🧿
BREAKING: the Sultanate of Oman has joined Bahrain in also recognising the UAE’s ice-breaking & historically significant peace deal with Israel. I predict more to eventually follow
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