Real life example of using an HSA to your advantage.

HSA has triple tax advantage
• money goes in tax free
• money grows tax free
• money comes out tax free for qualified expenses

Almost $2,000 in medical bills hitting this month. Here is how I will handle

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2. I am going to pay the bills out of a sinking fund I have. This allows me to keep my money in my HSA, allowing it to grow.

Funds in your HSA can be invested in the market so you get long term growth!
3. After I pay the bill, I will “tag” the expense and receipt in my HSA. This documents I paid the expense out of pocket

Therefore, if I ever needed that cash, I could pull it out tax free as reimbursement for a medical expense.
4. This is how we handle all medical bills. We are essentially building up a savings account in our HSA of tax free money. We could access if needed but allows my money to stay invested
5. Why do I want my money to stay in and invested?

At 65, your HSA starts acting like a traditional IRA. You can start withdrawing money for non-medical related expenses, you just pay the taxes like an IRA.

Make this 3x tax advantage account work for you!
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