1). Is there a connection between Fauci and mRNA moderna/other vaccines?
First off, there have been multiple observations the covid 19 virus included a spike protein from HIV that apparently IS NOT a natural occurrence...suggesting covid 19 was synthesized in a lab.
(Our own, and German intelligence has concluded such also.) Now let’s understand what Fauci holds a patent on:
Notice he holds the patent for the GP-120 spike protein from HIV. Why important?...this is the very protein that’s said to have been synthetically added to the Covid 19 virus.
Next, let’s note the unifying strategy by which all mRNA vaccines for covid 19 are being made. The basic premise is you insert (inside our cell/cells) mRNA/plasmid that then instructs our cell/cells to manufacture antibodies against the covid 19 virus.
For those antibodies to work, they must have a “target” on the virus which they attach to (like a lock and key). Here’s the amazing part; guess what the target is on the covid 19 virus that fits with the vaccine produced antibody?????
Here’s the detail within the above article:
In summary, multiple intelligence agencies/scientists have strongly opined the addition of the GP-120 spike protein to produce covid 19 was not a natural occurrence. We also know Fauci funded the now famous Wuhan lab where this has been concluded to have happened.
Moreover, that very same GP-120 spike protein (that Fauci holds the patent on) has now become the single identifying target that ALL mRNA vaccines are being designed around. Improper Connection? @realDonaldTrump @NIH @CDCgov
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