Jupiter in the _____. A thread ✨
Jupiter in Aries: ♈️

Brave & Competitive .Impulsive, yet determined. Never afraid to expand their horizon, even though challenges may occurr, they are fighters. Headstrong nature, short tempered, and very adventurous.
Jupiter in Taurus: ♉️

Knows their inner worth, won’t go below their standard, values prosperity. Patient, stable and secure. ‘realistic’ optimists. They believe in quality before quantity. They plan ahead, and deal with change slowly.
Jupiter in Gemini: ♊️

Philisophical, intellectuals. Loves gaining knowledge about various topics. Highly curious but also flexible. Social butterfly as geminis normally are. They can connect with situations and people easier than others. They welcome change and duality.
Jupiter in Cancer: ♋️

People feel comfortable around you, and you love to feel needed, tolerant and friendly. Empathetic, yet not easily fooled- people trust you. Maybe because your emotional intelligence or the ability to see through the BS. Also cautious-they hate being used.
Jupiter in Leo: ♌️

They consider themselves royalty. Humorous & creative, they show others the way- like a great leader does. They dont appreciate being understimated or ostrisized. They will take care of anyone who lives in their kingdom. Joyful & proud they bring a theatrical
nature to any situation. Respected by many, as it’s hard not too. A solid self confidence is normally and obviously present.
Jupiter in Virgo: ♍️

High standards for themselves & others. When interested they accumulate all the knowledge/facts their are, and aims perfectly at their thematics. Highly into detail, yet won’t lose the main idea. Their willingness & patience makes them a great teacher.
if not affected by their sometimes negative and overly self critical conciousness - they will know the worth of their work and presence.
Jupiter in Libra: ♎️

Sensual & welcoming, great with people, and believes firmly in equality. Charming and easily popular, libras can be very aesthetically pleasing or have a taste for the finer things in life. Very people smart, they know exactly what to say.
Jupiter in Scorpio: ♏️

Truth, and magic. Always ready to fight against injustices, will cry with you. Understands you more than anyone. While standing up for others they will find themselves in a position of power. You’re realistic outview gives you a great perspective for
speaking and standing up for the underdog.
Jupiter in Sagittarius: ♐️

Double the luck, your arrows shoot right through the cosmos. You like being in the light. Endless strive for wisdom. Believes in Karma. You’re a visionary and you love learning and sharing that knowledge with others. You inspire others often.
Jupiter in Capricorn: ♑️

Disciplined, always knows what they are fighting for, persevering & ambitious- they are adored by many who look up to powerful energy. They know how to spend their ressources wisely($$). Investment and shares are a big factor for most.
Jupiter in Aquarius: ♒️

Unconventional, and free. Their ideas flow like a river. Through them and around others. Eccentric, innovative and usually geniuses. They love creating, and building on their wildest ideas. Often entrepreneurs or self employed. Others find them
odd yet very creative.
Jupiter in Pisces: ♓️

Positive and selfless. Cosmic love and their willingness to help others is endless. Their heart is big and mostly likely they are spiritual gifted. Idealistic and always appreciative. Wise, empathetic, but also a daydreamer. Highly intuitive.
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