Your thoughts determine your success.

10 Mental Habits That Will Make You Wealthy

1 You are a CEO.

Every great company needs a great leader.
So does every great household.
And you are that CEO.

Your dollars are your employees.
Everyone needs a purpose.

Ask these questions:
Do I really need this?
How do I best put my money to use?

Crown yourself.
2 Develop a Growth Mindset

The growth mindset is the antidote to modern life.

Turn setbacks and disappointments into learning experiences. Failure will no longer rule your thoughts.

Believe that you can make this happen and you will enter a world of possibilities. Evolve.
3 Understand Debt is Slavery

Anyone with debt is a slave to the banking industry.
I know colleagues that paid 200K for a college degree and are paying it off in their 40s.

They live in everyday life in fear, just like prisoners.

This is no way for a man to live.
3b Understand Debt is Slavery

I am not saying to avoid all debt. But be smart about it. Understand you need to pay it off quickly.

Once you pay off all your debts.
Your mind will change for the better.

It will become free.
You will sleep better at night.
4 Use Stoicism to Help Control Desire

You will never have enough when you look at what you own.
Society is built to leave you wanting more. It's a Trap.

Instead, compare yourself to those who are poorer.
Your lifestyle will seem a lot richer.

Wealth is all about perspective.
5 Earn More Than You Spend

Sounds easy right? Wrong.
49% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

If you need more money cut spending.
But be relentless.

Or get a side hustle to provide more income.

Just remember cash flow works both ways.
Give yourself a raise.
6 Think of Making Money as a Game

Whenever I embark on a new endeavor I think of it just like playing a video game.

I can spend $500 on a PS4 or I can use that money to build a flipping empire.

Think of money as a gauge and learn to level up in real life.

Not virtual.
7 Always Negotiate

Once you have cold hard cash this will be easy because you always want you to negotiate from a position of strength.

Read the Art of the Deal.

A fat stack of cash goes much further than tactics or even clever words.

Why? Because you can always walk away.
8 Turn off the TV

Advertising shifts our perception of a certain product subtly, without you even knowing it.

Trillions of dollars are spent to make you adopt the lifestyle of consumption. And that is why most people are broke.

Remember, there is a reason why TV is free.
9 Mindset Shift from Consumerism

“Keeping up with the Joneses” is a dangerous mentality.

I literally know people who take out loans, to take out more loans. Limit your time with the Joneses.

Instead, keep friends that have the same mentality of building toward wealth.

10 At the end of the journey, do not become a slave to wealth.

I am not wealthy because of the 0’s in my bank account but because I have a beautiful family.

This is true wealth.

Money does not change who you are. It only amplifies.

Who you are before money, matters.
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