10 reasons not to have sex before marriage

1- Health

Sex is a transfer of material & spiritual energy.

Working out, eating healthy & taking care of your mind & soul to then have sex with people whose health you know nothing about is idiotic.

Only a fully committed partner (spouse) can give you the certainty of safe sex
2- The power to create

The highest purpose of sex is life, not pleasure.

You have the ABILITY to create babies & raise them in God, materializing through them more of what the world needs (godliness).

Prostituting your power to create is depraved selfishness.
3- Messes up the dynamic

Women need men, men want women

In marriage we complement each other because the man gets what he wants (her) by *investing* resources that she needs (i.e. safety)

Outside marriage, he gets it “for free”, thus she needs him more, but he wants her less
4- Sex bonds you

Sex is never casual. Your promiscuity of today affects your happiness of tomorrow, as sex quite literally *bonds* you to people who'll remain in your past, hindering your future.

“Americans reporting one lifetime sex partner have the happiest marriages”
5- No sex = sobriety

The most important decision in life is who you’ll marry.

Chemicals released before, during & after sex cloud your brain, affecting your judgment. High on chemicals, you're more likely to make a wrong choice.

Your most important decision DESERVES sobriety.
6- Biology vs. soul

Sex wakes up your most primitive self (biology), while marriage wakes up the most elevated (soul). Mere biology enslaves you, thus why casual sex drains you. Being soul-driven frees you, thus why a healthy marriage uplifts you.

Make the soul come first.
7- Immediate gratification weakens you

You're less likely to leave a relationship built on thick & thins that one built on sex. We value more what we work for, & immediate gratification (sex) takes no work.

Sex before marriage weakens us, our relationships, & devalues marriage.
8- “Everyone else is doing it”

If everyone else does it, then the smart thing to do is NOT do it yourself.

“Hate what the world seeks, and seek what it avoids” (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Simple, timeless truth.
9- No sex before marriage = no sex before true love

Sex within marriage is symbolic for man & woman uniting as *one* in God's love to represent His image on earth.

Why would you want to settle for anything less sublime than this?
10- Stop looking for love in the wrong places

This generation has lots of casual sex because it craves love but doesn’t know *where* to find it.

More partners & more sex actually deprive us of love.

Before sex, & before marriage, go to your Manufacturer for instructions!
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