A thread on Cincinnati Police, FOP Queen City Lodge 69 and president Dan Hils, and the culture surrounding them. There is a lot to sift through, and this thread will be continually updated.
This is how FOP president Dan Hils chooses to use the police support Facebook page: to push his own partisan agenda unrelated to police issues, including the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 despite the lack of research.
He definitely has his opinions. I think it's fair to say they might not come down on the side of the first amendment
Ah right, Dan. It's not the things you and your fellow officers say online, and the attitudes you have towards groups of people, only that people are taking notice.
Notice the different reactions to people carrying guns. I wonder why. 🤔
He is not supporting the police. He is using the platform he has to actively sew division, even openly smearing Collaborative Agreement partner Iris Roley.
You've probably started to notice a pattern in what Dan chooses to comment on, and how.
Again, no purpose other than divisiveness.
"Democratic run cities are looking like the cities in Mexico [and] Central America."
"[A]ny illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome."
"Chinese virus"
"If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him."
Some more posts from Dan and some of the comments he elicits. There is plenty more.
Dan received a message from a Black mother who was worried about her son and having him grow up in a world with people that spread rhetoric like Dan. Instead of responding to her, he blocked her, spoke about it on the radio, and wrote a whole post on the police support FB page.
Dan was pushing for the FOP to hire new lawyers to represent police that he categorizes as aggressive, proactive. This is how Dan feels critics should be dealt with. This was voted down at the end of July by FOP members.
I find this particularly funny. Growing up the child of a cop, this is the advice I've always been given. Don't fight, give up your purse/phone/wallet and don't get hurt. It's why I know with certainty, if it wasn't clear before, Dan is only trying to incense people.
This is FOP #69 President Dan Hils.
If you dog whistle long and hard enough, proud white supremacists will answer the call.
And I mean people who seem to be taking notes from Mein Kampf.

And to be clear, most of these are comments to posts made by Dan Hils, all are comments in the police support page he oversees. This is the culture he has fostered.
There are lots of calls for violence and death of protesters, both implicit and explicit.
More violence and death, and plenty of racism mixed in.
Does anyone have to guess what stance these people would have taken in during the Civil Rights Movement?
I know these look like repeated screenshots, but I promise it's separate incidents of people calling for shooting and hosing down protesters.
I would also like to point out that one individual that has appeared in a few comments so far, calling for violence and using racist tropes is a Secular Franciscan. He doesn't deserve to associate himself with the order, how dare he say he lives by example of Francis Assisi.
More super racist crap on the police support Facebook page.

Wonder what a "you know what" is 🤔
18 people were shot, 4 people lost their lives. A horrible trauma affected 4 Cincinnati communities. Dan Hils doesn't pass up the opportunity to be a ghoul and mock social workers for some kind of political point.
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