
Pushed a law that forces schools to turn undocumented students over to ICE, separating them from their parents and violating human rights

Laughed about putting parents in jail if their kids missed school, disproportionately harming single parent households, the poor, and families of color, including homeless mothers

Refused to address what the Supreme Court calls “unconstitutionally overcrowded” prisons specifically to perpetuate the exploitation of the mass incarcerated for slave labor close to $1/hour

Declined to prosecute Steven Mnuchin after his bank’s predatory lending and foreclosure fraud broke the law over a thousand times and ruined the lives of thousands of homeowners, keeping him free to donate to her campaign and become Trump’s Treasury Secretary

Spent years jailing disproportionately Black nonviolent cannabis users, while opposing taking cannabis off the DEA’s list of most dangerous substances and laughing at the idea of legalizing it multiple times

Fought to stop the release of a man wrongfully convicted of possession of a knife under the three-strikes law she supported and, when nearly 100,000 petition signatures got him released, took him back to court again for a crime he didn’t commit

Opposed reforming California’s three-strikes law, which is the only one in the country to impose life sentences for minor felonies and incarcerates Black people at 12x the rate as white people

Appealed a judge ruling that the death penalty was unconstitutional and won on a technicality, resulting in continued executions

When evidence pointed toward a Black defendant being framed by police, avoided DNA testing to keep him on death row

Protected serial child rapists by refusing to prosecute in the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal

Lied about her state’s solitary confinement to block a suit by inmates, claiming there was none in California when there were about 6,400 victims of the practice, which is considered torture

Oversaw a state prosecutor falsifying a confession to get a life sentence and then destroyed the evidence, upheld a conviction secured by a prosecutor lying under oath, and oversaw the framing of another man

Opposed legislation that would require independent investigation of fatal police shootings, despite criticism from many civil rights advocates, including California’s Legislative Black Caucus

Opposed statewide implementation of police body cameras and ignored police brutality, multiple officers raping a teenager, and other officers sharing racist and homophobic messages, despite multiple requests from the public defender

Prosecuted 10% of San Francisco’s Black population for felony drug charges in just one year alone, and prosecuted Black women at 50x the rate of other CA counties, resulting in 40% of CA’s felony drug convictions of Black girls

Tried to deny a transgender inmate healthcare and endangered trans women by forcing them into mens prisons, leading to the rape and torture of at least one trans inmate

Fought to block payments to wrongfully convicted people, and fought to force those wrongfully convicted of sex crimes to re-register as sex offenders even after being formally ruled innocent

Delayed the confiscation of illegal firearms from dangerous people, then posed a “continued risk to public safety” by failing to implement changes state auditors recommended to fix this despite receiving $24 million specifically for this purpose

Endangered the public by supporting legislation that increased the homeless sex offender population 24x in 3 years, then appealed a court’s ruling that it was unconstitutional.

Kept her Orange County DA office from being charged for running an unconstitutional jailhouse informant program, which they tried to cover up

As part of her tough on crime approach, assigned senior prosecutors to misdemeanors like graffiti and vandalism, tripling the number of cases brought to trial

Supports collecting and keeping DNA from people even if they’ve not been charged with a crime

Sponsored a bill allowing for prosecutors to seize profits before charges are even filed, and opposed a bill that would reform civil asset forfeiture

Refused to prosecute PG&E for its massive gas pipeline explosion, leaving them free to exploit hurricane-wracked Puerto Rico and kill at least one person in CA, and then hired its consultants to run her campaign

Refused to investigate Herbalife’s exploitation and fraud, receiving donations from people connected to the corporation
In case you think DAs are REQUIRED to behave like Kamala Harris, take a look at @DAMikeSchmidt, who just caught the wrath of MAGAts everywhere for truly being progressive:

We got #BidenHarris2020 — but it could’ve been @AyannaPressley or @ninaturner
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