There're gonna be 10K @KamalaHarris VP think pieces. I won't be writing one, but I'll say this: Not only are Black women the Democratic Party's most loyal base,BW are the most loyal to our fellow Americans, to community. BW vote for the common good at highest rates of all groups.
If you look at support for social safety net programs, for livable wages, for public goods and opposition to programs that are punitive and individualistic, Black women have consistently shown a support for the common good over the individual at the highest rates.
If Black Americans have been the perfecters of this democracy, then Black WOMEN have been its most ardent freedom fighters even as they sit at the intersection of all oppression, even as they bear the brunt of every racist and misogynistic policy & stereotypes in this land.
As the wise Black women of the Combahee River Collective said in 1977, "If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression." And to that I say simply: Amen.
So few Black women voted for Donald Trump that they fell within the statistical margin of error.
The most annoying thing in the world is when some non-Black person jumps in my mentions and completely misunderstands that this thread was not about her but about what having a VP pick means for Black women.
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