1: My First College Hustle:
This is a thread about the first business I built while I was a student at UCLA. After a year of working on it, we made 240k in revenue, hired over 45 students, and participated in the YC W20 batch.
2: The idea:
We make an online-only convenience store and deliver across campus using electric scooters. We bought our products from Walmart, mark them up 2x, and stored the inventory in our apartment.
3: The launch:
We created an explainer video and instructed ALL of our friends to share it on the same day.
4: The growth:
We had no idea how fast it would grow...
We learned it wasn't the marketing stunts that lead to growth. The customers that got under 10-min deliveries were telling their friends. Within 5 weeks we were making 80-90 deliveries a day.
5: The expansion:
Our first attempt at expanding failed. I dropped out of school and moved to a small apartment by USC to try to get the business started. 2 students opened a store from their dorm & that unlocked growth. However, this spread us thin as a business.
6: The pivot:
After getting into YC, I questioned the scalability of the business. Then actually pivoted a few weeks before January to a completely different idea. There wasn't unity behind this decision. This was my biggest mistake as the CEO.
7: YC:
8 of us moved into a house in Santa Clara. We decided to return back to our original model & hit the ground running. We scaled up quickly to 100+ orders a day again. We were driving between LA and SF almost twice every week. One of the craziest times of my life.
8: Post-YC: 2 of the 5 original co-founders are still working on the company. I've moved on, but I'm grateful for all the things I learned growing this business. The biggest lesson: Starting something will be a rollercoaster. But hey, rollercoasters are fun.
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