50 profitable principles of human nature:

1) Luxury is mostly status.
2) Free is more enticing than any discount out there.
3) The top 20% of men are wanted by 80% of women.
4) 80% of men would fuck 80% of women.
5) Losses hit harder than the highs of victory.
6) People don't care about you, they care about what you can do for them.
7) Social skills are infinitely more valuable than anything else.
8) People born in America can be marketed to with nationalism unlike any other country in the world.
9) The person who tests most, wins.
10) 80% of results are derived from 20% of the work.
11) To get exceptional returns, you must do exceptional things.
12) The problem you're solving has to be greater than the amount of money sitting in someones bank account (or credit card.)
13) Showing up every day for 6 months puts you ahead of 90% of the competition.
14) People buy what they see other people buying.
15) The 3 main things people care about are health, wealth, and relationships.
16) Stories make people feel connected to a message.
17) People can smell neediness, even if you're not in person.
18) Eyesight is the primary sense for humans. Prioritize visuals.
19) Good design is expensive. Bad design costs even more. (see above)
20) The way you speak is just as important as what you say.
21) If you want to keep attention, create something that releases dopamine in the brains of your market.
22) Polarizing/controversial figures draw the most loyal fans, and passionate haters.
23.) The fastest way to be recognized is to be polarizing. (see above)
24.) Trying to be everything to everyone is the fastest way to become a nobody.
25) Too many options makes people feel overwhelmed.
26) Old people carry a ton of sentimental value for their younger years.
27) Women are more impulsive when purchasing than men.
28) Starting is often harder than the actual task at hand.
29) Mental exhaustion and physical exhaustion are different things.
30) Nobody wants to be alone forever.
31) People want others to confirm their beliefs, even if they know they're wrong.
32) Perceived value is king.
33) People HATE admitting they're wrong.
34) Humans crave stimulation (they'd rather be in pain than be bored.)
35) You'll rarely get what you want on your first try. Be persistent.
36) Being too nice is worse for you than being an asshole.
37) Young people are the worst age group to sell to.
38) Most people live with a scarcity mindset.
39) Smiling while doing tedious tasks scientifically makes you feel and perform better.
40) Most people in the west eat too much and don't drink enough water.
41) Big and shiny is almost always easier to sell.
42) Invoking emotions is the easiest way to sell something.
43) Almost nobody actually does what they say they'll do.
44) People trust authority figures.
45) Most people are sheep, and they want to be lead.
46) People are rarely satisfied inside.
47) 50% of people are "eye for an eye" , 25% are takers, 25% are givers.
48) In marketing, attention is the #1 currency.
49) People often know what they need to do, they just don't want the result bad enough.
50) Skills pay the bills.
I hope you guys enjoyed this thread.

Let me know if you want to see more stuff like this!

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Until next we meet, traveler.

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